Sunday, February 28, 2010



Some people's idea of fun to make you feel bad. They exploit our congeniality and sense of community to create victims for their antisocial behavior.

You do not have to tolerate this.



INTOLERANCE: Using extremely insulting and inflammatory language toward groups of people based on race, nationality, religion, or sexual preferences.

HARRASSMENT: Pressing for interaction with someone after being told to stop; Pursuing, bothering, or repeatedly insulting a person. Debates and personal quarrels are consensual activities and do not constitute harrassment

ASSAULT: Repeatedly walking into someone (not by mistake);
Using a weapon to push people out of a location where they have a right to be;
Placing a cage or container around a person;
Producing objects, particles, or sounds that are disruptive or interfere with your field of view, or which excessively consume server resources in the region;
Repeatedly playing sound clips or filling chat with verbage so as to disrupt other people's conversations.

INDECENCY: Nude genital display, using obscene language excessively or repeatedly, or rezzing disgusting objects in a PG area or in a mature area where land owners forbid it, or the intention is to bother others.

PARCEL VIOLATIONS: Placing objects across parcel boundaries; using another person's land to place advertisements or malicious objects; littering another person's land.

EXCLUSION: Seeking to exclude a person from a public activity or area.

There are two sets of procedures for dealing with Griefers:
1. Report to the sim owners/admins/officers.
2. Report to Linden Labs

1. Report Griefers to sim owners/admins/officers


Griefers often justifying any authorative/bullying behaviour with statements like "they have permission" or "they have the right". The only players that have the right to speak for the sim are the officers/owners of the sim.

IM the sim's owners/officers/admins. If they are online, they will take care of it immediately. Even if they are offline (or appear to be), IM them immediately so they have a record of the event. Some get email notices of their IMs and will log in to deal with the emergency.

In the case of rezzing of inappropriate objects, contact an officer who will come and return said object. Officers have the power to derezz objects, freeze, kick and ban avatars from the sim. Talk to them calmly, they will help you out.

Make sure to document as much as possible. Log IMs and local chat. Take pictures. Make note of the chain of events. Even if you can get a hold of an online officer, documentation is important. Griefers/abusers often complain about the treatment they receive, and claim to have had good reasons for their actions. Documentation is critical.

If the sim's owners/officers/admins are unavailable, politely ask the person/persons to stop what they are doing. Don't be rude, don't provoke them, and don't fight fire with fire. Just ask them as nicely as possible to cease what they are doing. If you start a fight, chances are they will return in greater numbers with retaliation in mind.

If no officer is online, please leave the sim until the abuser is gone or at least get away from him/her/it. Do not provoke them or start a fight, as it often spirals out of control.

Whatever the end result of the debacle may be, always leave the sim owner/admin/officer a message. Send logs, pictures, your account, anything you have. Anything that is shared stays with the officer and the information will only be used to deal with the incident.

2. Report Griefers to Linden Labs

(From the Secondlife wiki)


A. Executive summary of this notecard:

To report griefing, go to Help at the Top of your screen. If you were shot or shoved or constrained, check Bumps Pushes and Hits to see who did it. Then, also in Help, select Report Abuse and fill out the AR (Abuse Report) form. Details and explanation follow, below.

B. WHAT ARE GRIEFERS? Griefers are people who deliberately interfere with other people's legitimate enjoyment of an activity; or who pursue their own fun with wreckless disregard for negative effects on bystanders.

You can report abusive behavior to Linden Lab. Multiple reports lead to the griefer being suspended from Second Life for a time, or possibly being permanently banned.


1) If griefers are pushing you around or shooting at you, quickly sit on the ground or on something belonging to you. Normally griefers cannot move you while you sit. If they are using malicious objects, hover your pointer over the object to see the owner's name.

2) Quickly write down your location (region, XYZ coordinates). If you can tell who the griefer is, write their name quickly on a piece of paper. Don't bother to engage the griefer in conversation or argument. It just gratifies them and delays your report.

3) Go to HELP at the top of your SL screen.

If you have just been forced out of your location or position, by shoving or with a weapon (scripted object), select BUMPS, PUSHES, & HITS. The abuser's name will probably be listed there. . Be careful -- there are many innocent bumps sometimes, from people who accidentally walk into you.

Also under HELP, select REPORT ABUSE.

4) On the AR (Abuse Report Form) you will see a small snapshot of your current field of view. If this snapshot shows what the griefer is doing, click "include screenshot" under the picture.

5) You will see a box that says "Select Category" and has a drop-down menu. You must select one of the categories of abusive behavior. Here are some examples to clarify those categories.

INTOLERANCE: Seeking to exclude a person from what should be a public activity or area.

Using extremely insulting and inflammatory language toward groups of people based on race, nationality, religion, or sexual preferences.

HARRASSMENT: Pressing for interaction with someone after being told to stop;

Pursuing, bothering, or repeatedly insulting a person. Debates and personal quarrels do not constitute harrassment, however. Those are consensual activities.

ASSAULT: Repeatedly walking into someone (not by mistake);

Using a weapon to push people out of a location where they have a right to be;

Placing a cage or container around a person;

Producing objects, particles, or sounds that are disruptive or interfere with your field of view, or which excessively consume server resources in your region;

Repeatedly playing sound clips or filling chat with verbage so as to disrupt other people's conversations.

INDECENCY: nude genital display, using obscene language excessively or repeatedly, or rezzing disgusting objects in a PG area ( or in a mature area where land owners forbid it, or the intention is to bother others).

PARCEL VIOLATIONS: Placing objects across parcel boundaries; using another person's land to place advertisements or malicious objects; littering another person's land.

6) Abuser name

You cannot directly write the griefer's name in the "Abuser name" box. Click the Select button just to the right of the Abuser name box. It will open "person chooser".

In the person chooser, type the griefer's name or part of it. This will open a list of similar names. Choose the right name and click Select. That name will automatically be placed in the "Abuser name" field of the AR form.

If you cannot see who the griefer is (for example, you are assaulted with a lot of sounds and you do not know where they are coming from) use the name BLUE LINDEN. Blue Linden generously allows his name to be defamed this way, as a work-around. The AR cannot be sent with no abuser name on it.

7) Location of abuse

If you are still at the site of abuse when you begin the report, the report will automatically record the location and time. If you have gone to a different location to make the abuse report, you must use the body of the report form to state the name of the sim in which the griefing occurred, and preferably the parcel name or coordinates too.

8) Summary

Give a brief title to your report. Refer to the time, so that the Abuse Team at Linden Lab knows whether an immediate response is helpful or not.

Examples of summaries:

"Here and Now, griefers shooting a crowd" or "Griefers 4PM, shot people, gone now" or "Harrassing me now, won't leave my house" or "Griefer yesterday left objects on parcel"

9) Details

Your abuse report will reach the Lindens with an automatic date and time stamp showing when it was sent, and from where. You do not need to give the date, time, and coordinates of the griefing episode if the automatially entered information is accurate. Just start the description with something like "Here and now" if the abuse is happening; something like "Here at 4PM Second Life Time" if you are reporting after the fact.

Example of "Details":

"4 PM yesterday June 4 at Rosebud 110, 30, 31 Ratsucker Hax shot 6 guests out of my shop."

"Here and now, Ratsucker Hax is rezzing obscene objects and particles going over my parcel boundary. Chat excerpt: You: Get rid of this stuff. You have no quarrel with my guests. Ratsucker Hax: its not on ur land u cant do anything so eat me lol


Don't forget to click the Report Abuse button at the bottom of the report, to send it!


If a griefer goes away and leaves a harmful or irritating object behind, you can use the object to identify the griefer and submit a report.

1) Right-click on the object

2) Select More

3) Select More again

4) Select Report Abuse

5) The Abuse Report form should open for you, showing the name of the owner of the object in the "Abuser name" field. If not, use the "Click the button, then the object" option near the top of the Abuse Report form.

6) Fill out the rest of the form and be sure to click the Report Abuse button at the bottom when it is complete.


The Lindens will not tell the griefer the names of any people who reported him.


Anyone can send you IMs, unless you mute that person. Then you will no longer received their IMs or see any of their chat text. People can tell your location only if they are on your Friends list and you specifically give them that power. There are spy devices that can follow or look for you but they normally have a range of only 96 M. Objects cannot follow you when you teleport. If you own land, you can use land settings to prevent objects from entering your land. You can also eject specific people from your land and ban them from re-entering.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

G, where are we going?


I remember when Gabe and I were too disoriented girls getting our bearings on Hale's Moon. Gabe was a bit edgy, looking over her shoulder a bit. When the Alliance started singling her out to squeeze, she blew town uh moon.

She mostly stayed away from Hale, visited a couple times. We kept in touch, but not the daily hang out and even come help me out on my independent jobs.

I saw G a few more times on MacLaren's Drift. Fell in with Raveinn. Coop headed out to the black for a few months after torching a couple of my offices. Gabe later went looking for him. We lost touch for a while.

The Gabe that came back was not the Gabe I remembered. She paced around more, more on edge. More willing to pick a fight. More likely to be bruised and cut. More often than Emma or even Cody the Human Target.

I see Gabe a lot more often lately because the Raveinn passes thru Eavesdown Docks a lot and it is my pass thru station.

But a fight club? Zohmygodzilla! I don't know what to say about it. She seems kind and friendly to me, old time sake, but she is definitely hostile to so-called "Core" sensibilities.

Maybe I am a little prissy, but Gabe, do you really need to be punched in the face?

Eavesdown Docks hosted fightnight cage match Tuesday at the Cockpit.


Some guy Danjo offered money to the last man standing.

Sure, Coop, get in there. Give them hell and what for. But G, please. You don't have medical insurance. And certainly not dental. We have to talk.

Gabe and Coop were the first to square off. I would have hoped it was fixed, but G's bruises and cuts are real. Coop gave her hell and what for.


What for? Money I guess.

Coop dusted off Ziggy, but I don't care if Ziggy is pretty or not.

Suzanne felt the need to tell me that Ziggy lasted less than a minute. I am assuming she meant in the fight.


Later out by the Oakley Ranch on Prosperity, I met up with my two beat up friends.


We didn't talk about it or much of anything actually. Coop left after a while, me and Gabe sat quietly on the corral fence. I don't know where her thoughts were. I was thinking about where we were going and why. She may have dozed off a little.


Al Raqis and Splintered Rock are their usual strange place. Allegedly, some tall husky green hued fellow alleged stole water from House Bondar allegedly meant to be donated to the Clinic. How many of those could there be? The word "allegedly" comes up a lot there.


For some reason, this called for an investigation of House Zenobia. Sad if that counts as clever politics. Fortunately the Chief Magistrate has a greater respect for the rule of law than the head of House Bondar.

While I was meeting with the Chief Magistrate agreeing to quell my grievance over the slander of House Bondar provided it does not occur again, a explosion was heard from the courtyard.


CNS's own wheelchair bound Tillery Woodhen came out of his office at about the same time we did to see the smoking remains of the exposive device outside one of the House Faith Buildings. After the fire brigade put out the blaze, the bomb/arson team inspected the device and preliminarily confirmed that it is strikingly similar to the device placed at the CNS building the previous week.

Lady Reiko, the head of the Great House composed of Fremen, a few lingering zenobians (we are everywhere), a companion named Calina, a gentleman named Deerhunter and Commander Faith and Miss Bondar arrived. Some rude haughty talk of little consequence ensued. There was some tension, but the High Magistrate managed to quell than and the crowd dispersed.

I had a little talk with Lynx about the virtues of avoiding being baited into violence by people under mind control. I had to explain Project Treadstone and the Manchurian Candidate 3 times that day.

We are following up with our own investigation and have a few leads. I shared what I knew with the Chief Magistrate.

Zenobia is now offically a Great House on Al Raqis. We even have our own water reclamation vaporator. Constable Werribee showed me how to use it. In particular how to deal with Water thieves. The Constable is a good teacher, I learned a lot.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stakeouts, Sanskrit, Sorrowman and Socials


Stakeouts, Sanskrit, Sorrowman and Socials

Gabe went with me to inspect the corral at the Oakley Ranch. 50 Meter diameter and a dozen head of Feeder Cattle. The cows were fairly skitting actually, flitting about. Gabe liked smacking them about.

Been getting around more on horseback, now that I found a properly Jai-sized pony. I forget how many months Zenobia has had the warehouse/compound there, but at least 4 times in the past week I have seen people hanging out in front of it. Doing nothing really. But no one ever did nothing really in front of it before. Damn that multichromatic hasbeen gossip.



Found LilyBell and Cody fretting over some book in the Blue Sun compound.


There was some strange notes on the chalkboard...


...and sanskrit written all over the walls. I bet either Mirra or Brother Feargananym at Bihar could maybe translate.


Later after an uncomfortable and regretable misunderstanding with LilyBell and Cody, they obsessed over BlueSun's new Synthetic, BerryBlueSun. It spouted some cryptic clues about Thoth and AuroraBlue, Sand coming, coins and such.


Later that evening I ran into Cody, he was heartbroken. Welcome to the emotional rollercoaster we know as LilyBell. Gallagher was missing, presumed dead by the hand of Gallagher Diesel, deathbot. Gallagher's keyring and some orange sand was left at the scene. Anyone recognize where this is from?


Lily freaked and shut down. Later, I found her in one of the Blue Sun labs with Blue, sounded like the upload again.


After the upload sounds finished, Lily came up and about. Kitten was there. Apparently if you ever need Kitten to show up, all you need to do is create a set of circumstances that would spell her doom. I tried to warn her, she skipped and froliced. Against my own best judgement, so did I. It is surprisingly liberating. I declined to eat the worm that Kitten offered. She has never eaten sushi.


BerryBlueSun is now in Krenshar's Casino. Don't ask me to explain either part of why Krenshar has a casino or why BerryBlueSun is there. I don't know and it makes my head hurt to think about it.


Newhall is part of my regular route, second to last stop. I had to update the auto ship to shore shuttle. I had to fly down manually and I got a good look at the Alliance Station near the shipyard. The Alliance appears to be standardizing some of their orbital facilities. They have one almost exactly like it over Zenobia and Bihar.


Almost exactly like it. Apparently Sorrowman Shipping cut an advertising deal with the Alliance. How slick is that?


Ambassadorial duties are a little more tedious than being trade consulate. I was only made trade consulate because no one else wanted the job. I went to a social event at the companions House on Al Raqis. The constable made a few thoughtful comments about paperwork reduction. We had some deep breathing meditation and then drank an unidentified blend of coffee without knowing how it was baked, its coarseness of grinding, or how it was brewed. I think it was perhaps unimportant because they sprinkled to top with the cinammon flavored awareness spectrum narcotic I estimate is worth 15-20 Credits a serving. And there was no sushi.


This is Dr. Thomas Isaac, he is studying the giant invertebrates indiginous to Mu Draconis. Like the Kopi Luwak coffee, the cinammon flavored awareness spectrum narcotic is also passed thru the digestive tract of an animal.


I hooked up Constable Vooper Werribee with some of the Kona Coffee (animal digestive tract free) and a sample of 34Tauri United Alliance of Planet Currency.

The former for quality control and the latter for numismatic purposes....of course.

The Constable showed me a security photo of a ship hovering over the Splintered Rock Landing Pad.


Before heading back in the other direction of my long trip, I took a local ornithopter and looked out at the sunset.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Wrangling Cattle and Ca...nevermind


There was this gal I ran into on MacLaren's Drift a few time. It was a while back on Thursday Trader's Night at Bootlegger's on Mac. But there was another time on Prosperity while I was talking to Gabe and JJ, while I saw the mayor Moonshine for the first time. Although she dressed kind of nightclubby, she said how she was having troubles with cattle thieves. Nothing much came of it.

Recently we took a small job of transporting some feeder cattle to be sold or transhipped on Eavesdown. The loading was done for me and it was only two shipping containers of 20 cows each, so I didn't think I needed to hire crew for such a small job. One of the containers broke open on the tarmac and 20 cows broke out onto the streets of Eavesdown Docks. Luckily Doc Spargel was a good sport and helped me wrangle (I just learned the word) the cattle down the streets of Eavesdown over to the Customs and Clearing Warehouse. They seemed content to lounge about at the "Unlikely Shipping" landing pad.

As the cattle was in sealed cargo containers, I didn't bother to take a good look at them. But as wrangling is a slow laborious process, I got to spend more time looking at the backside of heifers than I ever expected to. The brand looked odd to me, never saw one before. When I got a closer look, someone had used a hot brand to rebrand over the cold brand of the original ranchers. These were stolen cattle.

I made up a report and was ready to file it, then I realized that it would go nowhere. I was talking to reese, who was showing me the mods he made to his firefly. A fancy Aught-Three, not a simple gal like my no frills Aught-Two mini. We hatched a plan to rescue the stolen livestock and maybe return them to their rightful owners, or at least get the owner's the market price. Just deduct the usual fees for transport 10 per live healthy head.

Doc Spargel said he would come along to help. Good to have an ag doc on hand.

I ran across LilyBell while she was doing some improbable combat testing.


That happens to me quite often.


We talked about the usual kinds of things. Boots, chest fur on boys, bathing. She talked about Willie Fatih. I was not sure if she meant TeeTopWillie now Commander William Faith or if she meant his alleged brother with the same name, Willie. I mentioned how Faith's home on Al Raqis is right next to the new Zenobian Embassy. Intriqued, Lily agreed to come with me on my run to Al Raqis.

Once on the ground, LilyBell ran around. No one was about and she wanted to get into everthing. I wished she would be more careful, curiosity killed the...nevermind. I showed her how Podwangler, Valiant Vukovnic (Tri-V), Cortex, CoolLuke, the companions and other familiar names had offices, shops, residences or ships on the landing pad. Lilybell of course obsessed on the Faith Warehouse and his offices. Quality security devices kept LilyBell busy for quite a while. Of course, we can just look thru the several windows to see what was inside. Palletloads of crates with the BlueSun Logo crossed out.


Trying to run around with lilybell is like trying to herd ca...nevermind.

In all of this, I never got to show LilyBell the new Zenobian embassy, but she had her own agenda. She told me later that she had a run in with the slaver Barbosa from Botany Bay. I remember him from when I went looking for AuroraBlue when she was kidnapped from Caliban. She also left a book there where if you put a special coin in it, does something in Sanskrit.

We talked about indian food, briani, suggee and Tamarind Punch. She ditched me for Chicken Masala.

Lily reminded me that Starstrucks is reopening with barista service and that we will be delivering coffee there again. Leia will be working there, but it is automated when not.



...and last but not least:



Messed up hair, bruises and runny mascara from crying.