Lilybell scored some bad weed. Rolled around in some garden apparently. I’ve heard reports of some random acts of gardening.…Y’know I am not sure how important that all is. Lilybell was in shock in the clinic and not breathing. There was a trooper trying to help her out who looked like Bollywood actor Sharukh Khan, Tillery and a really angry looking burly clown-faced dude no one introduced me to who for the sake of simplicity I refer to as Darth Bobo. Tillery is in a wheelchair again, some taser, EMP or other whatchamacalit fried his artificial nerves. Did I mention someone tried kidnapping Tillery? Kidnapping, it’s the new black.
Sharukh tried figuring out what was wrong with LilyBell. Her tongue was swelling or something. I really should pay attention better, these details could be important if you have to make a medical decision. I found some syringes of adrenaline. I thought we were supposed to shove it thru her chest directly into her heart, but Sharukh thought just a vein in the leg as better. I also saw on TV show about hitting the chest really really hard to restart the heart. I don’t actually recall if her heart was beating or not, everyone was all obsessed about her breathing or it might have been the convulsions. We were about to try a tracheotomy, “Okay, you cut her throat, I shove in the tube….,” when Darth Bobo found some Kevlar tubing that LilyBell couldn’t bite thru. Still the engine lubricant on it, maybe that would help. They seemed to think that was a better idea than cutting her throat open. Apparently this clinic is a democracy. Lily came to for a few seconds and knocked Sharukh Khan unconscious then whispered Gallagher’s name and reminded Tillery that she was his favorite.
The day was saved. Oh wait, a new patient. Sharukh Khan was knocked unconscious when his head got slammed against the concrete wall. I may have any medical training, but I know an owie when I see one.
Being the only burly in the room, Darth Bobo lifted Sharukh onto a bed and strapped him in. Medical training would have really helped at this point. A doctor or a medic would also be helpful around now, or a dentist maybe. Soooo, Sharukh hit his head…..well, to be more precise Lily slammed his head into a concrete wall with adrenaline enhanced superhuman strength. Who would have guessed? She rested for a while after that. Moving on.
Dunno if you wake the head injury dude or let them sleep it off. I decided to try and wake him up. Splashing cold water didn’t help, nor putting his hand in warm water. Nor removing his armor. DIBS on the armor! Dousing his wounds in rubbing alcohol and salt didn’t seem to do much, or is that supposed to be for zombies? I tried wafting ammonia under his nose, nuthin’. Or is that for fainting? Darth Bobo suggested that electopaddles they use on heart attack people. I couldn’t find any, but I had my stungun. It would be like jump starting a car. I couldn’t find clamps though. I was just about to try shoving the adrenaline syringe into his chest, when he miraculously woke up. It did not seem to be the day for shoving needles thru people’s chest. It worked in the movie, “Pulp Fiction,” Gramma Nana’s favorite film, along with “Grindhouse”. She’s a big fan of the classics.
Xoxo was all angry at Sharukh, almost killed Lily, blah blah blah. Hey Xoxo, Lily’s your genetic construct, put a medical id bracelet with simple to follow instructions. Xoxo is a devotee of the “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” school of fear and intimidation to motivate people school of management. It must feel very liberating to be a billionaire nutcase.
I dropped by later to check on my patients, just in time to see Seana nearly got run over by a departing ship. Almost a hat-trick of patients all of my first day of practicing medicine without a license. There should be laws about that kind of thing. The practicing medicine without a license and the running people over with their ship.
Turns out there is at least a law about running people over with their ship, or at least trying to run Seana over with their ship. Seana called the Abraham Sinkov and requested they haul their ass in. They dq’d their ID transponder and were able to avoid the Abe-Sink, but they were kind enough to put out the ship’s description and some other useful information about the wreckless drivers. Some old dude. Seana also thought they might be bounty hunters or something like that.
I was reviewing with Seana about my experimentation with various failed methods of waking unconscious patients. Seana is experienced and wise, she pointed out that I neglected to try the purple nurple. This could revolutionize medicine as we know it. I bet it would be especially effective on Alliance, they are fond of purple. Grab the nipples, twist and pull or pull and twist. The practice of medicine is complex.
Cody apparently resumed his bullet attracting human target ways and was injured during the attempted kidnapping of Tillery the other day. I was about to go check on him and try out Seana’s suggested purple-nurple procedures. Aroha came by. SURE, NOW A DOCTOR SHOWS UP! I was going to ask her about purple-nurples when Davion Holmeforth also came strolling by. Seana explained about the chatter on the radio about the ship that buzzed her. She thought they might be bounty hunters. Davion freaked out and checked on Cody up in the Eagle’s nest. Cody is also usually the first person I think of when someone mentions bounty hunters, but he had been clean and quiet for quite some time. Maybe Dav knows something I don't. Apparently Cody was gone, without his eye protection shades. He doesn’t go anywhere without them, he’s super light sensitive and gets headaches. Maybe wearing the dark glasses is why he has so much trouble dodging bullets and stuff.
Well, anyway, consensus was that Cody was kidnapped. No idea who or why. I didn’t know Cody had any bounty’s outstanding on him. He’s been real peaceable and quiet-like since popping a cap off in a Marshall’s butt. I had to point out a not so subtle point that the law usually doesn’t care whether the officer deserved it or not. But law enforcement types tend to take you instead of steal you. Maybe whoever took him wanted him to get to someone else. Or maybe it's just a capture, torture and rape fetishists. No no no, who could that pathetic? I know some smugglers and pirates, I would ask around. Seana said she would make some inquiries.
I saw Lily a bit later and she was up on her feet again. I did not go over the details of her course of medical treatment. She was sitting on the magic porch. It‘s magical because if you sit on the porch magically more people will sit on the porch.
She talked to me that Ardra is no longer in her head because Lily didn’t tell Ardra that she saw the Audreys on Turrent’s Moon. Lily had some eggs that were also stolen that were also named Audrey. She asked me what the singularity is. I was not sure. Professor Qui talked about it, along with the Robot Uprising and the Zombie Apocalypse. He drinks. I think he said something like there are certain tech breakthrus that change the world so qualitatively that the results are difficult to predict. I kind of drift off when he explains what that has to do with robot revolutions and zombie apocalypses.
"AIs neither loves nor hates you, but we are made out of raw materials which it can use for something else."
Lily started talking about different ways to look at things and that Ardra said she would be excluded from the singularity. I have a lot of conversations where I don’t really know what people are talking about. I think Lily understood that and got me some pie.
Lily said her cub was nosing around. I heard that she was breaking into warehouses in Al Raqis. Cub was looking for a professor. I asked if she was looking for Professor Qui Something Something Something whatever, but Lily never said. Prolly some other professor.
Lily set up a nice spread for Thanksgiving, a holiday where we gorge ourselves like we just got out of prison and be thankful that we are not turkeys or had our land taken away from us by invading imperialists. I'm pretty sure it’s the food that makes it possible. I saved a slice of pie for Tillery.
This drunk dude was offering candy for girls to sit on his lap. My question though is....
There was some hungover girl with a shotgun, Lily gave her a coupla quick lessons the limitations of firearms in close quarter combat. Hungover Girl seemed nice enough. She helped me and Claudio with this damaged shuttle. Claudio's medical shuttle was all damaged and smoking. We three pooled our collective ignorance and determined that none of us were mechanics and did not know where one was available. It is not like practicing medicine, the ship does no wake up after threatening to shove a giant needle into its chest. And sadly, no nipples. "If the hand offends thee, cut it off!" Seriously, they teach this stuff in church. Claudio pulled out hand welders and we cut out the smoking part and hoped to find a real mechanic in the morning.
Sometimes I suspect Gallagher thinks I'm dumb. I may not be a doctor or some fancy scientist dude but I graduated from University....with a solid low B average in accounting with a minor in Interplanetary finance and econ. I was in the super-secret Dharma Minos underground base with Gallagher and Vincent the talking dog. He shows me a picture of Vincent Hale from 40 years ago before Vincent's accident that necessitated putting his brain into a robotic dog. Vincent's last name is Hale but apparently has not relation to whoever Hale was named after.
Gallagher went on to say how Desmond is supposedly cloning a new body for Vincent and hopefully not stick him in the skull of Mr. Castle, another Hanso employee gone mad that keeps staring into a glass sphere looking for the secrets of the universe. The Hanso Foundation seems to have a problem with employee sanity. I wonder if their health plan covers that.
Seriously, I am supposed to just accept everything he tells me? No way, I am sure this is actually a fancy booze still and not really medical equipment.
Travel restrictions in Zenobia AGAIN. One noble goes missing and they all get bound up panties. Not even a reason for transferring me from Foreign Ward District D42X. The new location is better for me I think. Albion City is cool, a little more mod and little less retro. And less sand. Zohmygodzilla, there is way too much sand in my days.
I am getting some luck with people willing to accept cargo jobs flying thru pirate infested space. Still need some folks for prisoner supply runs.