Many people come to the rim to avoid something or someone, Anna Azure was avoiding her parents. A difference of opinion about politics, I think particularly on Unification versus Independence. I let her stay in the work-for-fare bunk of the Consolidated Associated Traders of Zenobia frigate that we keep moored in orbit. I coached her on the basics of the work-for-fare program She thinks my anti-ass-camming cloak is spiffy.
Shian Ishtar is a retired terraformer, formerly in the employ of Blue Sun. He was staying on a mattress on the floor of the hostel. He needed to contact Blue Sun about his pension. Not having too much luck, he is trying to join a crew. He had a date with a Companion, Pluto, oooh. Maybe not lucky at pension....moving on. He also snapped a pic of the Outland Sasquatch and picked up the reward money.
A typical type one day that fills people with joy and optimism. Sitting on the magic porch of the boarding house. Seana, Davion, Shian, Anna, Tillen and me drinking tea without sugar because there was a ferret in the sugar. A larger civet took a liking to Anna. Davion seemed to be a smidge averse. I explained how they keep the snake population in check. Also that after a minor difficulty with transporting Sumatran Coffee Civets for scientists on Zenobia to study, some got loose and are breeding in the wilds of Hale. They are attracted to coffee.
Not all days are type one days. The week previous, raiders tried abducting townspeople. I don't have the details.
I spend some time in the Minos Dharma HG. Good to check who might be healing up in the secret medbay and what new secrety things are in the Dharma Monitor.
YAY VACATION PHOTOS! Desmond and Gallagher took Vincent to Dinneyworld. Coulda been a commercial "Hey, Vincent, you just had your brain transplanted into a cloned body after spending years in the body of a robotic dog. What are you going to do now?" "I'm going to Dinneyworld"
Vincent Mark 1?
Sometimes I find a file that is left out. What is Project Quisling?
Gallagher came back from Dinneyworld, Desmond was still there with Vincent.
A green hued warbot showed up on the Dharma security monitors in the outlands. A type two day.
Chaos ensued. Three attacks in three days. Before it left on the first day, it scanned for something near Raid's residence.
One day two of Type two days, Davion and Cody got themselves shot up by the greenie g-string warbot. Dav helped me get Cody to the medbay. Unfortunately everything was locked up and all that I could find was grain alcohol. In a bit of quick thinking I got some salt from Fook Yoo's and microwaved it to make sure it was sterile. I doused the boys from head to toe in the grain alcohol and then covered their wounds in microwaved salt. I couldn't find a soldering iron to cauterize their wounds. I left them there for our resident dentist, Natirra, to fix them up.
All the med cabinets were locked up, but I found a box of "Two Hours of Your Life Back" I am not sure what it does exactly. I took a handful and put it in the mouth of Dav and Cody, then read the instructions.
I found out the next that the stripperesque warbot attacked Dav and Cody again. Cat, now amnesiac as well as "Rivered", put him in a stasis tank. She asked me not to tap on the glass. "Fish don't like it", her Pa said. It's not a rule, but I am pretty sure Cody is not a fish. Her Pa apparently never told Cody to dodge or duck for cover. You parents out there, don't neglect telling your kids to move AWAY from the bullets. AWAY!
Cat gave me Pocky though, available from the vendors. Yum.
Natirra came and patched up Davion and ignored my offers to assist. Did I mention that I have been asked not to practice medicine? I looked over Natirra's medical kit. She uses a derma mender instead of a soldering iron. Fancy. Sure, maybe I coulda done that if the cabinets weren't all locked.
I showed Cat my stungun and the nipple clamps in case I have to jump start a synthetic. It happens. A powered up purple-nurple.
Natirra said that Cody and Davion should consider not doing anything strenuous for a few days. Apparently that includes getting shot up by autonomous killing machines and making supply runs to Prison Asteroids thru pirate infested asteroid fields. Slackers.
Lily tested out some chemicals on me before she would test them on Raids. I don't really understand what was going on.
[For some reason, my computer did not save the pictures from this scene.]
I am not sure what this was about, but the Security Cam caught this Probe floating around Ibram's Cellar.