Since the dust died down on the previous incident, she made a few visits to Hale. Sure enough, another Alliance good is looking for her. A fancy pretty boy alliance goon named Raymond Janic came to Hale sniffing around for G.
G does the sensible thing and blows town.
Later, a crazy drug dealer's son robs the General Store.
Gabe hears the wave and comes to check it out. Militia habits die hard. It was a kind of old home week, Gallagher by hologram, Lilybell is not a cat, Venice Red Eyes, Emma7, Me, Captain Griffy, General wearing his new desert combat togs.
Sure enough, there's another alliance goon, this one by the name of Major Pepper Siamendes from SIU. She says she is investigating the black market Zenobian Artifacts. She seemed curiously interested in a mere General Store robbery. She seems most interested in the operations of our informal militia.
Gabe maintained her cool, but I could tell she was ready to bolt at any hint of anything.
The investigation identified this guy as the robber, Inup Thoret.
I don't know what the grafitti is about, but it showed up later on the inside of the bank. We have spotted Inup and he mostly makes fools out of us.
Gallagher is what you might call pro-active. He is often grumpy and ill-tempered, but he directs it mostly against people that threaten me and mine, so I let it pass. He decides that we do a little searching on the Alliance Ship. Somehow he gets alliance uniforms, THAT FIT. Amazing that the Alliance makes a size 2 combat uniform.
We head up and Emma and I get what information we can from the control room. I know my way around the shipping docs and docks. I get their manifests and shipping orders. Emma gets layout info and bunk assignments.
We find the graffiti that Gabe supposedly did. Burned right into the hull, "4 G".
The universe is designed to surprize. One of the last things I expect to find in the hold of an Alliance Cruiser is an Airstream Trailer. More surprising is that it belonged to fancyboy Raymond Janic.
We beat feet out of there and implemented the dependable strategic maneuver number 1 and 2, run & hide.
Gallagher comes back with a way to disguise our identities better, with a kind of mask that will fool the face recognician software.
I call it Ruth Squad. Gallagher, Vegaslon, Emma, Gabe and I. We go up, try and access their computer for more files. Somehow the computer lets Gabe access. It happened just like on the Bland Corporation ship. Maybe this computer was built by the same company. We download some info and snoop around and get out of there to examine the evidence.
I most liked the security footage I found.
Other than that, Hale's has been much the same. A meteor blasted a hole in the ground and lava erupted. A tunnel collapsed in front of the Zenobian Trade Office that Lily had to repair. A lava flow near the Blue Sun border, the ground lit on fire.
If I were the paranoid type, I would blame it on the railway Blue Sun is building thru Hale. A lot of excavation going on.
I am way behind on my work. Because of the Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia(CATZ), we have more trade offices than ever. We've had a lot of business and a lot of action coming around, so I have not had the time to set them up correctly.
Zeno and Mirra both sent me a wave, they probably have news about the relics of Saint Zenobius.
I need to catch up with Brazen and Cursa on Splintered Rock.
I am overdue for a meet with Teetop and Brooke, they have an exit buyer for the meds I salvaged. I have to dump the blastomeres before things get too hot.
My updated route is:
MacLaren's Drift
Hale's Moon
Blackburne Wastelands
Splintered Rock
I am glad I had enough time to live up to some of my duties with the Hale Militia. I am mostly ineffectual, but I feel I contribute in some small way.