Well anyway, Lily loves me and made sure Consolidated got a premium location for our office on the tarmac. One with good underground work for our safe and stuff like that. It is also convenient for our ship to shore autoshuttle.
Less than 20 meters from our autoshuttle is the entryway to the Outlands.
The smarty part of me that my parents spent a lot of money schooling screams to me, "DON'T DO THAT!" The other part that sees that crazy sign every day finally got sick of it and I lookited. You can learn a lot from doing stupid things. For instance, the alliance needs better valet parking.
Maybe that was the Alliance valet. Or the pilot. Or one of the raiders that attacked Hale's last week. Or one of the people the raiders were abducting for I don't know what purpose. Hale's militia beat them back, I think. I don't have good details or pics.
I was hangin' with Natirra, we decided to go down to Ibie's Cellar to avoid the swift broom of Stan, brother of Stan. I also wanted to deliver the bottle of Blue Sun Grain Alcohol to his bar. A little present. I snuck into his office to write him a note when I thought I heard Vincent.
Ummmm, yes and no.
Inside the containment field was some dude who looked like Dolph Lundgren. One of Gramma's favorite ol' timey actors. "He makes me hot like July," she would tell me. "I must break you," is the ringtone on her cortex handset.
I only got as far as explaining that he looked like Dolph Lundgren when he Vincent started talking. He explained that Desmond cloned a body for him, mostly from Cody's blood (which you can just mop up off the street on many days). Cody's blood has some factor that reduces the risk of organ rejection. Mercedes said something about pig dna, but she may have just been talking pish.
Desmond came by and explained some of the technical aspects to Natirra, which went over my head. Organ rejection, neural interfaces, nanites. Nanites are small, I looked it up. Natirra was more than a little skeptical and I think against the whole thing. Desmond explained that he had been working on this for 10 years, that Vincient knew the risks and wouldn't wait any longer. Ibie came by, I didn't get to tell him about the grain alcohol.
Much later some chippie saying that she is AuroraBlue all growed up drops by.
She came by to visit Cody. She really really really needs to bathe. ZOHMYGODZILLA (zohmygojirra for my Japanese friends) anyone can have B.O., but this chick could knock a buzzard off a shitwagon.
Breathing thru our mouth, Gallagher and I led her to the medbay where Aroha was looking over Cody. AuroraBlue made like she said some sweet nicey things but I didn't hear anything or pay attention.
Aroha was a little impatient with me about my inquiries about where the syringes and adrenaline were stored. Locked, hmph. When I went to the storage area, there was a buncha cryro-stasis chambers, like the ones they use for corpsicles. Gallagher said I could use some for a core sushi run.
While I was in the storage room with Gallagher, AuroraBlue got a tad twitchy. Dunno what dat's about. Nothing new.
After she left, I hung out with Cody and Vincent a bit. Mostly quiet. Eventually everone left and their meds kicked in and I arranged for the pickup of the stasis chambers.
Vincent explained that Desmond and Gallagher are taking him to planet Disneyworlf.
I am heading to the Core, stopping off in Hera, Avalon, Zenobia and Londinium, then over to Paquin. If you need any fancified things only available in the Core, nows the time to tell me.