Monday, April 26, 2021

A new life awaits you in the Off-World colonies.

A new life awaits you in the Off-World colonies.

The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure.

New climate, recreational facilities.

Use your new friend as a personal body servant or a tireless field hand -- the custom tailored genetically engineered humanoid replicant designed especially for your needs.

I am totally not falling for that…again.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Three times? That takes some serious professionals. Momma and Nanna Oyl didn’t raise that big of a fool.

Nope nope, Persephone is close enough for me to the border and fringe (rim).

No reavers, no insane failed malevolent artificial intelligences.

Ironically, during my previous time here, the biggest hazard was me. I was transporting a herd of cattle and they got loose and wandered around the tarmac. Oy, the cleanup bill.

Good times.

Years of the best therapy money can buy, quality meds, quite a few spa weekends, followed by a cathartic bonfire where I burned my childhood copies of Pinocchio and the Velveteen Rabbit and my Talking Tiny Dolly, and I am good as ever.

Opened up shop officially, Dock Master Don (not his rapper name) hooked me up with a choice location for a small warehouse overlooking the water. I moved in some ship sundries, you know Liquified Air, CO2 Scrubber, Oxygen, Fusionable Fuel Cells, etc.


Hung out the sign, very cool.


Weirdliness follows me around. I have been posting about WHODAT for years. Creepy or weird looking people who I find loitering around my officers or warehouse or ship.


This one is named Cyrus. If you look closely you may have noticed him lurking in one of the other photo's.


Cyrus works for me now. He has some peculiar ideas about couture and personal grooming, but he did technically wear a tie to the office. Better than some interns I’ve had. He has a winning smile.

It’s possible he escaped from Blue Sun or Umbrella. Look, they literally wander in here on their own off the street, I didn’t do nuthin’.

It’s also possible that he rang the bells over at the Abbey. He kind of cowers when he hears them. I will have to ask Brother Cadfael.


Cy’s not too bright and lacks certain social graces, but he knows how to make a decent cup of coffee. I don’t think he’s ready to learn about Bloody Mary’s yet, we will have to work up to it. He is really not much of a fighter. More of a lover than a fighter. He is unlucky at love, and he doesn’t know any card games. So nothing left. He’s large and stands near the front door, like those pensioner greeters at Buy 'N Large. Buy 'N Large, the Frozen Yoghurt, Discount Men’s Suits turned mega-conglomerate. Cy does heavy lifting for me, makes coffee, sweeps and mops. I buy lunch for him, which is considerable, and I give him some pocket money. Hard to find good help in this economy.

All that being settled, a long day of making a nuisance and a busy body out of myself. Maybe even get some work done. 

I took a little nap on Blue Sun’s Sofa, it is really nice. Not my fault if they hide the coffee. Xiu-Xie was a no show….again. I almost got a complete set of Blue Sun Cargo, you’re going to have to meet with me sooner or later


Swung by the dockage where Mercy’s frigate was parked. Showing off new product.


Went up to Smuggler’s Moon, which is a really nice open tarmac and cargo warehouse area. I like open spaces.


Looky here, a GENUINE McLaren Mule. It’s a class joint. It takes me back. No, Jai, no, shake it off.

I almost rented in Ziggy Station. I used to know a bank robber by that name. Since I’m here, might as well get some actual work done.

 Got the ship fired up and went on a mining pickup run.


Got to wear my fancy EVA suit.


Clueless Bastiches didn’t have money to pay me, so I got some of their cargo. Seriously, who does that?

 Oooh, a fancy Flux Capacitor. It is used for … well … I don’t really know, but what I do know is that it’s worth like real money, that’s what matters. Gotta focus on the important and the real. What’s real important is I got an exit market for this doodad.

And some Energon, also known as Archebyte, which is used for programmable matter and nanobots and quantum things and stuff… you know, things worth like real money, that’s what matters.


AND THE MYSTERY CONTAINER. Seriously, I dunno. Sighs, gotta call Serendipity. Yipe, it moved.