Some of you might recognize Major Pepper Siamendes' ship moored there, the Alexander. I have reliable information that her recall to Zenobia is finished and will be back to stomping her jackboots over the rights of the humble citizenry of the Border and Rim very soon.
I park the Behemoth at the far Lagrange point as we do at MacLaren, Hale, Caliban, Shadow, Bihar, Eavesdown Docks, Zenobia, Londinium and Newhall. I have been busy trying to get the autopilot to work properly, some only head back to the hub on Hale, but at least the shuttle between the Behemoth and surface works well. Errrr, except on Newhall. Newly terraformed, changes every day. We'll work it out, have to talk to folks there. Ummmmm, and Londinium, set yourself to zero-g (flying) before you hit the autopilot, you will understand once you try it.
That's my route so far. I am supposed to negotiate with Splintered Rock on behalf of Zenobia soon, but I have been busy, lot of trade opening up. I would love it if I could get the whole primary 'verse in the Zenobia route. Need Strega, Shadowrim, Washburne, Paradiso and Paquin to complete the set.
Might check on Botany Bay and Necronom Colony, but that will have to wait a while, plus there are technical issues. They might have to be one way trips without return like the derelict ship and the Wastelands. Will probably add them to the new autopilot, along with New Delphi, INSILICO, Blade Runner City and Tyrell Corporation Headquarters. Sorry folks, one way only. Negotiations are slowwwww or in some cases, non-existent.
Although the Consolidated Associated Traders of Zenobia hired me as a pilot, I work mostly as a trade negotiator. I am a better business woman than I am a pilot, but I try not to discuss my mediocre piloting skills. I do fly better than I shoot, that part is true. Anyone that has seen me shoot knows that is not saying much. So far I have flown better than the folks that have shot at me, errrr, except that one time, but I was mooring and.... "LOYALISTS SHOOT DOWN A PARKED SHUTTLE OVER SHADOW" would not make a great headline.
Weird business of late. Been getting salvage out of the Uroborus Asteroid Belt, We store it in our compound on MacLaren. Not the safest place, but it is closest transshipment point. Planet Ralph and the Blackburne Wastes are closer, but they are a constant warzone. MacLaren is only a corrupt hellhole. Even with a license and permit, you have to be fast to salvage in the belt. Alliance thinks nothing of licensing the same derelict to more than one hauler and pirates loooove stealing from salvagers. Not to mention that most ships that the Alliance likes to job out to salvagers are in reaver or pirate infested space. Prolly the reason they job it out. Loyalists have been selling fake salvage licenses and then trying to pick folks up for piracy and illegal salvage. It's a dirty job.
CATZ smuggled out some thing out of Zenobia before the Military factions takeover was complete. One was an Alliance Database, includes 2 AIs. Nothing as sophisticated as Blue or Krenshar, but proprietary tech nevertheless. I could not find anyone on INSILICO that was capable of the decryption that could also be trusted. We made a deal with Krenshar. He was looking for some database storage. We traded the data storage in exchange for the decryption.
I previously delivered 40 tons of copper wire to the new Replicant Order Compound on Hale. X0x0 sold them the land. Strange bedfellows. LilyBell signed for the copper wire, but I could not let her take delivery of the database. LilyBell is a black hole for such things. Still have not gotten the Ardra backup from her. She is like a Roach Motel, programs go in, but they don't come out.
I got clearance from Krenshar to deliver directly to the Replicant Order Compound. I come in thru the main loading bay and come across a barefoot x0x0 wearing a simple frock and carrying a pistol. Casual Day is very different at Blue Sun. We exchange a few guarded inquiries about why the other person was there. I played dumb a little, I knew this was Blue Sun land. I have a chalet on Blue Sun land, but I don't expect to see x0x0 inside it. BOUNDARY ISSUES abound in the Rim.
My orders were to deliver the database, but it did not say who was to sign for it. Krenshar was recharging and the invoice was ambiguous AND I was being interrogated at gunpoint. I let x0x0 sign for it. My parents wanted me to be an accountant.
I find the power plant of the Compound. It looks different than the others I have seen. I wonder if this is the Singularity Power Plant that Krenshar was talking about 7 months ago.
In her own special way, x0x0 is as strange as LilyBell. She danced barefoot in the cargo bay and spouted cryptic statements about "they" would be here soon. We exchange a little bit of info, cryptic enough to maintain plausible deniability and I get a first hand look at the inner workings of the Replicant Order Compound. I don't know if this is where x0x0 is going to set up the nefarious factory of doom that I am not supposed to know about.
I get distracted by a stray thought about something LilyBell said during the week while she was showing me the new Galaxy Skating Rink.
LilyBell Snoodle: "Krenshar is not a replicant. Him the father of the new race. And I am its chocolate."
Cool skating at the Galaxy Skating Rink. The swimming pool is under the dome, because it's cold outside. Domes are in nowadays. Basketball hoop to practice free throws also, contest. Nice palm tree in the pool area. X0x0 imported it.
LilyBell Snoodle: "It like tropical in under the dome. even fake sun. BlueSun and Dharma make nice for citizens of Hale's Moon and them guests. When we make grand open, there be fireworks. Pool fun and hot tub gots bubbles."
There are plans for some building that makes things like a factory, near the secret lab was. The pool and rink is "so everybody like them and not think about factory so much." X0x0 is working with Krenshar on some project. Krenshar says he is merely letting x0x0 use his labs. Probably everyone denying that Mindo will be involved. I hope it does not have anything to do with the new necromorph reavers. Probably not, Mindo maybe, but not Krenshar.
X0x0 is looking for Wing Silverweb, the Bad Robot proprietor in West Hale (The Wastes). I am still checking out the alleged indigentm Criss Cross (or whatever his name is). X0x0 is also looking for Pepper, probably want to make good on their deal on x0x0's terms and not Pepper's. Interesting to see that play out. Sentry is looking for Pepper also. Few requests to give a heads up about Tee/Commander Faith. Wanted poster for Coop near the greenhouse in Hale. Hm, doesn't mention arson.
You give a little, you get a little. Keep the juicy bits to protect your friends or bail them out. It's a living.
New flowershop opened next to my office. Free flowers and trees, very nice.