Monday, September 28, 2009

Meet Plan Worry

Meet Plan Worry

Went to the trade meeting at Bootleggers Bar in MacLaren. A lot of traders show up and people looking to be crew. Cody and Kerm show up for the drinking I suppose.

Teetop and Brooke was there. Sentry is part of their crew now and the local rep of their company on MacLaren I think. They were interviewing some gal to be part of their crew. I am not sure what she would be doing that would be useful, she all but admitted that many people are angry at her.

Cursa was chatting up the Companion Acolyte, Akasha. Akasha is nice, we have visited on Hale and Caliban also. Girl circulates. Brazen came by and some Darthish type fellow Colonel something or other.

I think Kerm and Cody were drunker than most or drunker than usual or... well, they were drunk. Kerm was going to drink something call Tequla, I hooked him up with proper Tequila. Savages in the border and rim.

Sentry told me that the Alliance SIU woman came sniffing around for him again. Major Salmionedes has been kind of dogging my steps too, but to interrogate, uh question, uh interview, uh chat with me. I explained that this is not going to end until we serve up a body to SIU that placates them. Kerm had some overly optimistic opinion about his romantic prowess, suggesting that it would have some effect. He was drunk, I was kind and let it pass. I might not be able to find the Major the relics of Saint Zenobius that she wants, but I think we are getting close to tracking down the organ leggers. I am hoping I can serve them up and get her breathing down someone else's neck.

I was in a good mood because I got paid by the Bihar Sanctuary for some easy peasy work. Hauling some art that the Zenobians has stashed in their various "summer residences". The Bihar Sanctuary is having an art exhibit officially opening October 1st about 19th Century "Orientalist" Paintings. Mostly European artists renderings of the Middle East and North Africa. I went over the advertising sign with Miya at Caliban.

Zeno brought me to the Zenobia Space Station via express transit. Must be urgent to spend that kind of money on me. She showed me the copy of Zeno's old wanted poster from when she ran cargo with Coop. We discussed that she probably still have open warrants and only her job as Zenobia's Estate Manager was giving her immunity. She better hold onto that job. Major Salminonedes left some veiled messages for me also. Only a matter of time.

Zeno was spooked and wanted to talk, but was worried about eavesdropping and other monitoring. She had to look at the Art Exhibit the Zenobian were sponsoring in Bihar, so we decided on there. The Bihar Sanctuary is not quite a Luddite Settlement, but not a lot of low tech. It is a safe place to talk. It's a beautiful place, if you can excuse the rain, the bats and the snakes. We spoke quietly about what we should do and our option between coffee and wondering what Odalisks and Almeh's were. Vascha from the Companions Guild came by while we were talking. She is very pregnant btw.

Zeno had to leave and Vascha gave me an application to be a companion acolyte. The cultural aspects are appealing, but I don't think I am appropriate for.. you know... that ... moving on.

Back from Bihar, We stopped to refuel the Behemoth and pick up some transhipment at Gateway Station over Shadow.

Sure enough, Major Pepper. Normally I would say she is tailing me, but Gateway is the crossroads. I don't know what the current jurisdiction is with the Alliance and Serenity Station, Gateway Station, Shadow or open space, but I decide its best to not act in a furtive manner and create reasonable suspicion. We chat.

Pepper knew my record. She knew I had no criminal record and had proven that I cooperated with Authorities. I actually got a permit to salvage the derelict "Persephone". When it turned out that it was being used for organ legging, I forwent the profit and turned it over to the authorities. I am still in trouble with the salvage brokers over that, even though it was a setup of some sort. She showed me a security picture of me wearing a Dharma Initiative uniform with Zeno, Coop and Desmond Serenity. Pepper thought it was incriminating. I told her that I didn't see how. Desmond Serenity is a public figure and the Dharma Initiative is a registered charity. She recommended that I cease my association with them. She seemed to think they had something to do with some terrorist activity and that collecting reaver bodies in Hale was suspicious. She had a copy of the photograph from Gallagher's desk showing Gallagher's old army unit. Desmond was in the photo too. I explained that it was not surprising. The Dharma Initiative was formed by veterans to take care of veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and head injuries.

Pepper alternated between subtle intimidation and hamhanded attempts at trying to build rapore and trust with me. She knew about my family being massacred by reavers and that it was denied by the local Alliance Garrison. Thus I have some trust issues in similar circumstances. When I sniff expediancy, I tune out. I may have been harsh with x0x0 and Seana when LilyBell was kidnapped because they exuded that Alliance type vibe. I have felt less safe ever since. My family's death was covered up as a convenience, I wanted the facts. Pepper agreed to get my the real file in exchange for some info.

I was at the Saint Zenobius Chapel with Zeno when Mirra was setting up the scanning equipment, but I have been out of the loop about the results. Everything else I knew has been rumor, gossip, hearsay, conjecture and guesses.

I could tell that the Major was disappointed that I had nothing to add that she did not already know. I told her that I really can't go around asking about the relics, it would compromise finding them. She rattled off some names. I recognized one of them, Ardra.

I explained about the illegal organ legging network and how Ardra was the transhipper thru the same salvage broker I used (not anymore). My cousin Moira managed to find links to an unregistered organ transplant company and the "Angels of Mercy" Medical Research Facility. I told her that I would be happy to turn over copies of the manifests. I wanted a copy of the real file from my family's massacre and I wanted these people put down a deep dark dirty hole of a prison to rot until the end of time. The Major made a backpedal statement. She blew it and I told her so. These Alliance goons are so turned around they can't even talk straight.

Their job is to protect the law and the establishment, not me. I don't go on these missions for fun. I can't trust these people to have my back. There is no rule of law. There is only the veneer of civility and the affectation of rights. I give them what they need and they serve me up to the dogs. If this is to end, I have to end it, not trust the authorized representatives.

Krenshar showed Captain Griffy and I his clone projects. Krenshar was missing a brain and was having to stall the Alliance who wanted to pick it up.

I knew who had it. LilyBell talked to me about it the other day. This was the bait I needed. Sufficiently coveted. Hopefully my friends would be able to back me up.

I ran into LilyBell, who was wearing some fancy threads, new hair and wearing some metalic makeup.

LilyBell showed off her new look to Raids in Firefly's.

Hey, is this Raids in Firefly's....

....and this Raids in Seana's Office the same Raids or different?

I ran around Hale and the tunnels with LilyBell. I am not sure the purpose of this, but we do this a couple or few times a month for some reason.

I show LilyBell the gold coins I got from Mr. Tevya at Bihar. LilyBell told me that AuroraBlue was visiting. I never managed to run into her. I was never really close to AuroraBlue, but worried about her.

LilyBell and I went someplace private where we would speak confidentially. I explained the troubles with the organ leggers and how the day after Gallagher started investigating it, he was shot down in his own office. LilyBell talked in circles a little bit, but wouldn't help me out. I told her that I was disappointed that she did not want to help me or catch Gallagher's shooters. She then brandished weapons and angrily suggested I leave. She had her own priorities, whatever they are.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Offices and Networking

Been busy. ZOHMyGodzilla, I say that a lot.

Zenobia has been working me like an indentured serf. Seven offices now: MacLaren's Drift, Hale's Moon, Caliban, Shadow, Bihar, Zenobia and Londinium.

We're actually news with the Zenobian. It takes their mind off the recent terrorist attack at a medical research station and the tensions in the Parliament.

The Zenobians mostly kept to themselves in the 'Verse, kind of an insular medieval way of thinking. The military faction and the trade faction don't get along so well. Different points of view on how things should run. Rough talk about seniority based on lineage, blah blah blah.

Welcome to the 'Verse, Zenobian. Hold on, it's probably gonna be a bumpy ride.

I stop off in Splintered Rock and even Washburne on occasion when some trade beckons.

I was just returning to the Rim and looking over the secured facilities in MacLaren's Drift. For some reason someone coopted the outer area as a medical station. The Rim is an ad-hocracy, things are done in a makeshift jerry-rigged duct tape temp basis. You get used to it. Ironic content is a familiar visitor in the Rim.

When I was just leaving MacLaren, I got a wave from Cursa Charisma in Washburne. I am supposed to be nosing down around there for Zenobia, so I went and joined TeeTopWillie and Brazen's crew at a dancehall in Washburne. Brazen blushes for some reason.

Cursa was still bandaged up from being shot down in Splintered Rock. Nativist terrorists.

Tee told me Sentry was working with Tee now. Sentry left Shadow when heat got too much for him, hid out in MacLaren's. Now Alliance come sniffing around for him there. Tee said something about a trade mission to Necromunda IV, Necronom? Necro Mundo? Ehhh, spelling.

I hooked Tee up with the coordinates to the CATZ offices. TTW is part of our little network, he can use our offices. Desks, chairs, best coffee in the 'verse that doesn't come thru the digestive tract of a small carnivore.

We talk a little shop. Brazen and Cursa were surprized to hear that the Alliance was sniffing around Splintered Rock. Tee confirmed that he saw Major siamendes actually mining in the desert.

Meanwhile back at Hale's Moon: DIGGING. Dig Dig Dig. That's what LilyBell does, a lot. Dig. Why? Dunno. But today she was repairing a cave-in from her digging. And it was Gallagher's Birthday. Cake, Candles, Balloons, Hats and for some reason Oranges. Krenshar came and added his joy to the party and talked about the obedience of toasters.

Later (still at Hale) I was chatting with Immy and Cody Winterwolf. LilyBell blazed thru for a minute or two. "What the needle for?" No answer.

I catch up will LilyBell later to say good night and she is bandaging up Cody Winterwolf.

****[OOC: I purposedly linked to a lot of other blog posts in this entry. I think it's great that so much that is going on in the verse is available to be read in blog forms. It helps to keep track. That's why I update all 41 firefly related blogs.]****

Blackburne Observer

Cortex News Service

Serenity Station Pioneer

Suzhou Sentinel

Washtown Roleplayers

Hale's Moon Herald

Zenobian Times

Alison Lynn Haystack: Ali's House

Amyla Wakowski-Swindlehurst: Love, Amyla

AuroraBlue Littleboots

Belize Carver: Survival In The Black

Ben BigBoots: A Bounty Hunter's Log

Children of Earth

Cholgosh Swindlehurst: Chol's Hidey Spot

Derrick Osterham: The Merc. Minute

Dread Salamander: Dread's Bunker

Duncan Cooperstone: Raivenn's Browncoats

Emma - Stopping the Signal

Faye in the 'Verse

Gabe Yazimoto: Guns'n sake ain't mutually exclusive

Garkuyan Koba: In the 'verse

General Parkin: The Hunted Warrior

Imrhein Fargis: Let's Have No Undue Fussin'

J. J. Zackerly: A Brief Candle; Both Ends Burning

Jai Raghilda: Jai's Necessity

Lance Ducatillon

LilyBell Snoodle: Is not a cat

Lorie Lilliehook

Mikie Rhiadra: Stranger in a Strange Land

Nack Barnes: Nack's Blog, from Firefly's Bar at Blackburne

Neutrino Nightfire: Wandering Thoughts

Pepper Siamendes' Report, SIU

Podwangler Zapedzki: Pod's Wanglings

Sabrina McGee: Freaky Mad Science Genius Girl

Seana Kawanishi: The Lonesome Ninja Mayor of Hale's Moon

Sentry Swashbuckler: A Mechanic's Life

Solomon Leitner: Admiral: Elindor Actual

Tdstraitjacket Manamiko: I don't have wings, I am just a man

Tsai Jie: Dancing Through My Second Life

X0x0 Zhangsun: I can kill you with my brain
Xaviar Kiranov: Doctor Kiranov Log

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

G does the sensible thing

Gabe has been staying away from Hale since the incident with the Alliance Soldier giving her the shakedown treatment. She has been saying that she was meant to wander, but truth to tell, I don't think she's as happy, maybe its just stress. I know she misses everyone in Hale, talk.

Since the dust died down on the previous incident, she made a few visits to Hale. Sure enough, another Alliance good is looking for her. A fancy pretty boy alliance goon named Raymond Janic came to Hale sniffing around for G.

G does the sensible thing and blows town.

Later, a crazy drug dealer's son robs the General Store.

Gabe hears the wave and comes to check it out. Militia habits die hard. It was a kind of old home week, Gallagher by hologram, Lilybell is not a cat, Venice Red Eyes, Emma7, Me, Captain Griffy, General wearing his new desert combat togs.

Sure enough, there's another alliance goon, this one by the name of Major Pepper Siamendes from SIU. She says she is investigating the black market Zenobian Artifacts. She seemed curiously interested in a mere General Store robbery. She seems most interested in the operations of our informal militia.

Gabe maintained her cool, but I could tell she was ready to bolt at any hint of anything.

The investigation identified this guy as the robber, Inup Thoret.

I don't know what the grafitti is about, but it showed up later on the inside of the bank. We have spotted Inup and he mostly makes fools out of us.

Gallagher is what you might call pro-active. He is often grumpy and ill-tempered, but he directs it mostly against people that threaten me and mine, so I let it pass. He decides that we do a little searching on the Alliance Ship. Somehow he gets alliance uniforms, THAT FIT. Amazing that the Alliance makes a size 2 combat uniform.

We head up and Emma and I get what information we can from the control room. I know my way around the shipping docs and docks. I get their manifests and shipping orders. Emma gets layout info and bunk assignments.

We find the graffiti that Gabe supposedly did. Burned right into the hull, "4 G".

The universe is designed to surprize. One of the last things I expect to find in the hold of an Alliance Cruiser is an Airstream Trailer. More surprising is that it belonged to fancyboy Raymond Janic.

We beat feet out of there and implemented the dependable strategic maneuver number 1 and 2, run & hide.

Gallagher comes back with a way to disguise our identities better, with a kind of mask that will fool the face recognician software.

I call it Ruth Squad. Gallagher, Vegaslon, Emma, Gabe and I. We go up, try and access their computer for more files. Somehow the computer lets Gabe access. It happened just like on the Bland Corporation ship. Maybe this computer was built by the same company. We download some info and snoop around and get out of there to examine the evidence.

I most liked the security footage I found.

Other than that, Hale's has been much the same. A meteor blasted a hole in the ground and lava erupted. A tunnel collapsed in front of the Zenobian Trade Office that Lily had to repair. A lava flow near the Blue Sun border, the ground lit on fire.

If I were the paranoid type, I would blame it on the railway Blue Sun is building thru Hale. A lot of excavation going on.

I am way behind on my work. Because of the Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia(CATZ), we have more trade offices than ever. We've had a lot of business and a lot of action coming around, so I have not had the time to set them up correctly.

Zeno and Mirra both sent me a wave, they probably have news about the relics of Saint Zenobius.

I need to catch up with Brazen and Cursa on Splintered Rock.

I am overdue for a meet with Teetop and Brooke, they have an exit buyer for the meds I salvaged. I have to dump the blastomeres before things get too hot.

My updated route is:
MacLaren's Drift
Hale's Moon
Blackburne Wastelands
Splintered Rock

I am glad I had enough time to live up to some of my duties with the Hale Militia. I am mostly ineffectual, but I feel I contribute in some small way.