(A week before, a meeting in a shuttle craft, somewhere in orbit over Hale's Moon.)
[14:28] Gallagher Aeon: Before we begin, I would just like to thank you all for coming and thank you for joining the Dharma Resistance. As you know the Alliance has moved back into Hale's and now Blue Sun seems to have followed. Gallagher Aeon: Alliance has a large craft above Hale's; they claim to be friendly, but obviously we know better. They claim to be here to help protect us from loyalists, reavers and raider, but since we have seen a huge number of reavers over past weeks I think its safe to say they have done fuck all. They claim to be trying to deal with the loyalists but somehow they haven’t managed to capture them yet and the loyalists I've seen are well equipped, shiny new uniforms and all. I believe they are receiving help, maybe from the Alliance themselves, maybe from other sources. The Alliance claim they cannot be held responsible for their actions and the mayor has worked very hard to keep the peace with the Alliance, which is where we come in. Essentially, we are browncoat loyalists. The Alliance cannot hold the town responsible, which protects the town and allows us to continue fighting.
[14:34] Gallagher Aeon pauses to collect his thoughts.
[14:35] Gallagher Aeon: we have to remain a secret. The public face of Dharma is a charity organization formed to help Alliance war veterans
[14:35] Gallagher Aeon: The mayor aware of our existence unofficially. She has deniability. The Alliance has never really looking into our organization because on the surface we appear to be allies of theirs. They don’t hurt their own, which helps us a great deal. We are working on taking down the Alliance from within, we have many people on the inside working closely with their armed forces.
[14:42] Gallagher Aeon: in Hale's there are only 13 of us in the main group, but we have many supporters ready to join if required. We have groups set up throughout the verse now, all working in secret just like us
[14:43] Gallagher Aeon coughs.
[14:43] Gallagher Aeon: Anyway. Back to the reason why I called this meeting. A few months back Jai Raghilda found 2 cryogenically frozen bodies onboard a derelict vessel; tests revealed these bodies were infected with Pax, a new strain. This means the Alliance once again think they can improve people and once again they failed miserably, these bodies if thawed out would become reavers in minutes, mentally anyway. We got stupid. We believed we were the only ones who knew of the bodies. Two days later I saw an Alliance vessel surrounded by Alliance soldiers in the Hales shipyard, as I turned to leave my office I was shot from directly behind. I stumbled towards the door and I was shot twice more from a different angle. Our forensics tests revealed the shots were from 2 snipers posed on the outskirts of the town, seemingly to take out any witnesses. Luckily I was found and taken to the sickbay, but both bodies were taken. At the time the dharma base was buried, we were keeping the bodies in the hanger. This is what I meant when I said we were stupid, we didn’t know what we had until it was too late. Three weeks after a contact of mine engaged in a battle with an Alliance cruiser over "Ralph" an uninhabited desert planet. He stowed the body away in a cave, which is where I retrieved it. It’s now in our storage area, safe. The other body wasn’t found, until now. My source tells me they cryobody is being transported to the core worlds. Along the way the security shuttle is stopping at the Alliance ship above hales to refuel. This is our chance. The plan is to stage a phony reaver attack and call for Alliance help. With their troops on the ground, the vessel above should be almost empty. They have sworn that they will help if we ask. While the troops are on the ground we will fly up in a cloaked shuttle, this shuttle. It’s fitted with a pulse emitter which will knock out their radar so they won’t read our arrival. My contact has supplied me with the codes to their hanger doors; the shuttle should be just inside. We believe it will be guarded by replicants, breaking them should be easy. We then fly back to Hale's and store the body away in the hemlock. The shuttle is going to be up there for a while, it seems the Alliance don’t believe us to be a threat.
[14:54] Gallagher Aeon: which is another reason why I called this meeting, we need to decide on a date and time.
15:02] Gallagher Aeon: The plan: We go up in the shuttle, kill the replicants, take the body, come back to ground. I am going to have Krenshar cause the distraction on the ground. Our pulse emitter will knock out their security cameras and we will shoot any witnesses.
[15:03] Gallagher Aeon: if you feel safer wearing a mask or hood then by all means do so. They will not be expecting us and the fact that they are staying for so long suggests they don’t consider us a threat.
[15:05] Gallagher Aeon hands out helmets, these helmets have a data disruption code built in, should stop the replicants from being able to see our faces. By all means use your own.
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. I have a stealth outfit picked out for the mission. It’s a black suit with various emitters built in.
[15:12] Gallagher Aeon: even darkening the dharma suit to black would work
[15:14] Gallagher Aeon: I don’t see there being too many issues with this, the important thing is for us to be seen at the beginning and end of the battle below, if there are witnesses that claim we were there, we are not suspects, have your friends back up your alibi.
[15:17] Gallagher Aeon: if that’s all then this meeting is over. Thanks for coming; I will now return us to the ground.
(A day before.)
[12:55] Gallagher Aeon looks at the Alliance soldier
[12:55] Seana Xue: Excuse me, you the owner of the Hookah Lounge?
[12:56] Gabe Yazimoto: That would be me. Can I help you?
[12:56] Seana Xue: Word has it you can provide discreet transport?
[12:56] Gabe Yazimoto nods. Let's talk elsewhere.
[12:57] Seana Xue: I missed my ride. I need to get up to my cruiser without making any big deal of it. I was... (Smiles) detained down here.
[12:57] Gabe Yazimoto looks her over. "That a fact. Well, reckon I can help you out. You got coin?"
[12:58] Seana Xue: Yes. Had a short leave. Yes. Coin. What's your price?
[12:59] Gabe Yazimoto names a price that's reasonable, plus some.
[12:59] Seana Xue: And how soon can we go? Now?
[12:59] Gabe Yazimoto nods and pockets the coin. "Yes, we can go now. You in a hurry?"
[13:00] Seana Xue: yes. I am in a hurry.
[13:00] Gabe Yazimoto looks at her but doesn't comment. Shiny. My shuttle is over here.
[13:00] Seana Xue: Nice boat.
[13:01] Gabe Yazimoto: Thanks. It belongs to a friend of mine, but it flies true. You got coordinates, miss?
[13:01] Seana Xue: No, I Was hoping you had some idea where it was....
[13:02] Gabe Yazimoto grins.
[13:02] Seana Xue: Figure you got good recon down here.
[13:03] Gabe Yazimoto: Might do, might do. Hold on a sec while I program this thing...bangs a little on the control console.
[13:04] Seana Xue nods
[13:05] Gabe Yazimoto looks at her while she programs the autopilot. "So, got leave on Hale's, huh? Hope it was relaxing."
[13:13] Gabe Yazimoto sees the Alliance cruiser materialize out of the clouds.
[13:14] Seana Xue sighs "Can you drop me off....I'm...I'm supposed to be guarding it."
[13:14] Gabe Yazimoto: Not happy to be back on duty, miss? Protecting the 'verse?
[13:14] Seana Xue: Not so much, no.
[13:15] Gabe Yazimoto: Oh, you a guard?
[13:15] Seana Xue: Yes.
[13:15] Gabe Yazimoto: Is it... heavily guarded, this thing?
[13:15] Seana Xue: Not yet. We're getting more staff and...some delivery. Later today.
[13:15] Gabe Yazimoto: ... I see.
[13:16] Seana Xue: Thank you.
[13:19] Seana Xue nods "I'll just pretend I don't see you. Thank you again".
[13:19] Gabe Yazimoto: No worries, miss. I'll be on my way in a jiffy...
[13:19] Gabe Yazimoto takes a good look around.
[13:20] Gabe Yazimoto: Paid fair and square, we even. So... you getting some company tomorrow? That's gotta be nice, not bein' all lonely up here. I'll leave you to it, miss. You take care now.
[13:24] Gabe Yazimoto: **static** This is Gabe Yazimoto on the Hale's Moon channel, requesting Sheriff Gallagher. Come in, Gallagher. **static**
[13:24] Gallagher Aeon: here
[13:24] Gallagher Aeon: What is it Gabe?
[13:24] Gabe Yazimoto: Can I get you on a private channel, Sheriff?
[13:24] Gallagher Aeon: opening a channel now
[13:24] Gallagher Aeon: what
[13:25] Gabe Yazimoto: Hey, Sheriff. This is regarding tomorrow's... outing.
[13:25] Gallagher Aeon: yeah
[13:26] Gabe Yazimoto: I just got commissioned to give an Alliance guard a ride back to the cruiser. I'm on my way back to my shuttle, but it's very lightly guarded, I can move freely. Thought I'd... have a stroll around. Should I look for... emergency exits?
[13:27] Gallagher Aeon: Best not to, don’t want to draw attention. If they see people sniffing around, they might increase security
[13:27] Gabe Yazimoto: I am being stealthy, Sheriff, but all right.
[13:27] Gallagher Aeon: Take a few pics.
[13:28] Gallagher Aeon: we have blueprints for the place though
[13:28] Gabe Yazimoto: All right. Will do. Ah, shiny.
[13:29] Gallagher Aeon: are you still up there?
[13:29] Gabe Yazimoto: Yes. On my way down to the docking area. It's a huge ship, long hallways.
[13:30] Gallagher Aeon: yes I have visited it in the past, I am coming up
[13:30] Gabe Yazimoto: I am in the docking bay now. I'll wait for you.
[13:31] Gallagher Aeon: What height u at?
[13:32] Gabe Yazimoto: 2000
[13:33] Gallagher Aeon: keep quiet, just in case
[13:33] Gabe Yazimoto: Hey, Sheriff.
[13:33] Gabe Yazimoto lowers her voice.
[13:34] Gallagher Aeon presses a button on his watch and a high pitched tone plays out, "The cameras are down, we can move freely as long as we don’t meet anyone"
[13:34] Gabe Yazimoto looks around. "Shiny. So all they see is me going to the docking bay, then nothing."
[13:34] Gallagher Aeon: yep
[13:35] Gabe Yazimoto: Talked to the guard. She said it's very lightly guarded at the moment.
[13:35] Gallagher Aeon: good, this is where I am told the shuttle will be held
[13:36] Gabe Yazimoto: But tomorrow they're getting more guards. And a... shipment.
[13:36] Gallagher Aeon: to refuel
[13:36] Gabe Yazimoto: Seems your intel was good.... nice beds they got.
[13:37] Gallagher Aeon: think this must be one of their private quarters
[13:37] Gabe Yazimoto: Throwin' coin at everything.
[13:38] Gallagher Aeon: It’s unlocked, walk through
[13:39] Gabe Yazimoto is slightly out of breath, "Gorrammit, this is a big ship."
[13:39] Gallagher Aeon: totally empty
[13:40] Gallagher Aeon taps a button and his shuttle car flies through the complex and into the area
[13:40] Gallagher Aeon: easier to fly through
[13:40] SC Ultimate Delorean: Flight Mode engaged
[13:41] Gabe Yazimoto: Don't take me down, Sheriff, I can't leave Jai's shuttle up here.
[13:41] Gallagher Aeon: I won’t
[13:43] Gabe Yazimoto: Thanks, Sheriff. The air is... bad up here, too clean, can't breathe proper.
[13:44] Gallagher Aeon: Jump in your shuttle, we should get outta here
(Late the evening before)
[21:47] Seana Kawanishi: Good eve, Jai.
[21:47] Jai Raghilda: Hello Madame Major.
[21:53] Jai Raghilda: Gabe, Emma and I got new uniforms for when we do work to the core or deal with the Alliance. Remind me of my old boarding school uni, sort of a Gestapo flight attendant look
[21:53] Seana Kawanishi: Ah, yeah. Alliance crews tend to respect a uniform. Makes them feel comfortable.
[21:54] Jai Raghilda: the core is a bit more structured than here, uniforms are part of structure
[21:54] Sabrina McGee: MMM.. just a bit, yeah.
[21:54] Jai Raghilda: command and control culture
[21:54] Seana Kawanishi: Ya think? *laughs*
[21:55] Jai Raghilda: I haven't had any trouble with Alliance out here or the border planets either, fake Alliance maybe. I was accosted by loyalists pretending to be Alliance over shadow
[21:58] Seana Kawanishi: They -are- Alliance. Just loyal to a different command structure.
[21:59] Jai Raghilda: Hm, I used the wrong term then, these folks were using outdated equipment, but were not currently Alliance
[21:59] Seana Kawanishi: It's ok. The politics behind it are pretty convoluted, and largely hidden.
[22:00] Jai Raghilda: What's going on at the Alliance Ship in orbit?
[22:00] Seana Kawanishi: The Abraham Sinkov? She comes and goes, patrolling this sector.
[22:01] Jai Raghilda: They still pretty light staffed?
[22:02] Seana Kawanishi: They have a full platoon of combat troops aboard, as well as the Frigate's Navy crew.
[22:07] Jai Raghilda: Do you know if the Alliance is shipping in folks and supplies today? I like to steer clear
[22:08] Seana Kawanishi: To the Sinkov? Possible. They don't usually tell me unless it's relevant to our situation here.
[22:09] Jai Raghilda: I thought it would be like any port, 24 hour notice of any ship over a certain tonnage
[22:10] Seana Kawanishi: Only if they're bothering to land. They usually just hard dock the supply ship in high orbit.
[22:10] Jai Raghilda: that's a supply ship? Ohhhh
[22:11] Jai Raghilda: so it’s not the ship that actually patrols
[22:11] Seana Kawanishi: No, it is. I thought you were referring to a resupply for the Sinkov.
[22:12] Seana Kawanishi: They sent the Frigate because it's logistically easier than patrolling with a Cruiser.
[22:13] Jai Raghilda: I don't really know the situation with the Alliance here, they're mostly low key.
[22:14] Seana Kawanishi: That's the situation now, yeah. Wasn't always so.
[22:16] Seana Kawanishi: In any case, if you'll excuse me, I need to carry my wife off to bed *grins*
(The day of the mission)
[11:46] Gallagher Aeon: The Dharma shuttle is now parked in Hale's. All members coming on mission should come over.
[11:48] Gallagher Aeon: Got your disguises sorted?
[11:50] Gallagher Aeon: I received word that the shuttle is in fact in the hanger now and because the ship is new and still under construction it is pretty much unguarded. Best to keep a firearm handy though as I have no idea how many replicant guards may be on board.
[11:56] Gallagher Aeon: I've arranged for a reaver to be released into town for the duration of the mission, should provide a good distraction
[11:57] Emma Ditko blinks. "Wait, you can -arrange- reavers?"
[11:57] Gallagher Aeon: captured one, then released it
[12:01] Jai Raghilda: Anyone else hear that?
[12:01] Duncan Cooperstone shouts: Reavers!
[12:01] Gallagher Aeon: Damn reaver. Get in Duncan Sit I will take off, damn it! What did I just say!? Damnit! Get in damn it! What the hell did I just say! Leave it! its our freakin' distraction! Sit down, I take off. It left behind
[12:02] Seana Kawanishi: This is Hale's Moon control, calling to the local Rim systems. We have a report of Reavers on the ground. Anyone in position to assist would be most welcome.
[12:07] Gallagher Aeon: Let’s do this. Got your guns
[12:08] Sandra Korobase: get them!
[12:08] Gallagher Aeon: my contact tells me there is a guard. Damn.
[12:08] Seana Xue: Hey C. What’s up?
[12:08] Seana Xue: Hard to stay awake.
[12:08] ChenLeeWoo Xeltentat: Oh the normal lots of meteors
[12:09] Seana Xue: Nothing much huh.
[12:09] Seana Xue: I can't seem to stay awake.
[12:10] Seana Xue: I got some recon on that Replicant, but other than that, nothing much.
[12:11] Seana Xue: The little cat girl still in the mines, and....what's that?
[12:11] Seana Xue: Don't.
[12:12] Duncan Cooperstone: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cease fire¬!
[12:12] Firefly 1.022 (Beta): Seana Xue falls to the floor unconscious from ______ ______.
[12:12] Duncan Cooperstone: Cease fire. Gorramit, she was a non com
[12:12] Gallagher Aeon: She was there to die!
[12:12] unnamed Ordinary: Don't shoot
[12:13] unnamed Ordinary: Stop shooting.
[12:13] Firefly 1.022 (Beta): ChenLeeWoo Xeltentat falls to the floor unconscious from Duncan Cooperstone.
[12:13] unnamed Ordinary: Gallagher, that you? Doc?
[12:13] Gallagher Aeon: You got the key?
[12:13] unnamed Ordinary: You're late.
[12:13] Gallagher Aeon: Some trouble on the ground
[12:13] unnamed Ordinary hands Gallagher Aeon a Dharma Data key.
[12:13] Gallagher Aeon: Great
[12:13] unnamed Ordinary: This should allow you to access the terminal.
[12:13] Gallagher Aeon: You better get outta here before someone comes
[12:14] unnamed Ordinary: I'll be back in...45 minutes. (Smiles).
[12:14] Gallagher Aeon: Right, we should be able to access the shuttle bay
[12:14] unnamed Ordinary: Namaste
[12:14] Jai Raghilda: Which way?
[12:15] Gallagher Aeon: The shuttle is here
[12:15] Gabe Yazimoto stands back, at the ready.
[12:15] Gallagher Aeon enters code 108
[12:15] Jai Raghilda: Ready.
[12:16] Gallagher Aeon: Damn, we need another key
[12:16] Sandra Korobase groans
[12:16] Gallagher Aeon: The code should be in the computer terminal at the other side of the ship
[12:16] Gallagher Aeon uses the Dharma encryption key
[12:16] Object: Intruder Alert!
[12:17] Gallagher Aeon: damn my guns!
[12:17] Gabe Yazimoto groans.
[12:18] Gallagher Aeon: cease fire
[12:18] Gabe Yazimoto: Jai!
[12:18] Duncan Cooperstone: mwwwwwwaamnn`Clear
[12:18] Duncan Cooperstone: Clear! Move out
[12:18] Gabe Yazimoto looks at Sandra. "We can't leave her..!"
[12:18] Sandra Korobase takes a look at Jai, trying to find how serious it is, "Of course not! We don t leave any one here."
[12:19] Jai Raghilda dreams of living on a small tropical island somewhere in the Indian ocean on old Earth That Was
[12:19] Gabe Yazimoto: Damn, is there a med bay on board?
[12:19] Jai Raghilda wears Kevlar underwear, will recover in a minute
[12:19] Gabe Yazimoto checks Jai's vitals.
[12:19] Sandra Korobase searches in her bag some medicine to help jai up
[12:20] Raivenn Commlink: Duncan Cooperstone: Jai you got your ears on
[12:20] Gabe Yazimoto: Pulse is strong... dammit, c'mon, Jai!
[12:20] Gabe Yazimoto: my gun is smoking, huh
[12:20] Firefly 1.022 (Beta): Jai Raghilda wakes slowly looking around; Jai Raghilda sucks it up and gets back to their feet.
[12:20] Jai Raghilda: gah
[12:20] Raivenn Commlink: Sandra Korobase: She's good now
[12:20] Gabe Yazimoto: How are you feeling, Jai?
[12:20] Sandra Korobase: how do you feel, jai? *smiles
[12:21] Jai Raghilda: Like I just got worked over by replicants
[12:21] Sandra Korobase: It's normal, which means you're alive.
[12:21] Emma Ditko sighs with relief, "Phew... you all still breathin'."
[12:21] Sandra Korobase: can you walk?
[12:21] Jai Raghilda: I can walk
[12:22] Gabe Yazimoto looks at Emma. "Where are the men?"
[12:22] Emma Ditko: Uhm, there.
[12:22] Gallagher Aeon: what the hell did I tell you!? Stick together
[12:22] Gabe Yazimoto: Jai was down!
[12:22] Gallagher Aeon: fuck sake!
[12:22] Gabe Yazimoto curses.
[12:22] Gallagher Aeon: Come back for her. Duncan is down now, 'cause we had no backup.
[12:22] Sandra Korobase: what!
[12:22] Gallagher Aeon: We were attacked by 8 replicants.
[12:22] Jai Raghilda: I was unconscious, they guarded me
[12:22] Gabe Yazimoto glares.
[12:23] Gallagher Aeon enters code 5372
[12:23] Object: Intruder Alert!
[12:23] Gabe Yazimoto: Did you get the code?
[12:23] Gallagher Aeon enters code 3572
[12:23] Object: Intruder Alert!
[12:24] Gabe Yazimoto: Oh, god, Emma.
[12:24] Gabe Yazimoto: That was a close one.
[12:24] Emma Ditko pants... "I need bigger guns..."
[12:25] Reese Shawbridge: Ya be ok, Emma.
[12:25] Gallagher Aeon: we got the body, push it to the shuttle
[12:26] Gallagher Aeon: it’s in the shuttle
[12:26] Gallagher Aeon shouts: everyone inside
[12:26] Gallagher Aeon: mission complete
[12:26] Gallagher Aeon: we gotta get outta here before someone comes
[12:27] Gallagher Aeon: everyone seated?
[12:27] Gabe Yazimoto: 10-4.
[12:27] Alliance Shuttle Transport: engine start up...
[12:27] Dharma Initiative Shuttle V2.1: Engines On
[12:27] Gallagher Aeon: Right. What happened back there? Duncan almost got killed by freakin’ replicants
[12:28] Gabe Yazimoto: Jai was down, Sheriff! I ain't leaving her behind!
[12:28] Jai Raghilda: I was overcome by a zug of replicants
[12:28] Gallagher Aeon: one person could have stayed
[12:28] Sandra Korobase: we have one of us downed, mister
[12:28] Jai Raghilda: and Gabe and Sandra stayed back for me
[12:28] Gallagher Aeon: why the hell did half the team stay1
[12:28] Gabe Yazimoto: What if more came? She'd been killed!
[12:29] Gallagher Aeon: one person needed to stay, one. Not six.
[12:29] Sandra Korobase: why the hell did half the team go away! *growls
[12:29] Gabe Yazimoto: Yes, exactly.
[12:29] Gabe Yazimoto looks at Sandra.
[12:29] Duncan Cooperstone says nothing
[12:29] Gallagher Aeon: We had a mission to do
[12:29] Vegaslon Plutonian: Wasted time may have put us all at risk
[12:29] Reese Shawbridge: ummm perhaps was anybody asked to keep watch to me it looked while get the goods get out go back for injured later.
[12:30] Sandra Korobase: these things happened because this was a civilian organized operation, that s all *shrugs* but we managed however
[12:30] Gabe Yazimoto: Mission more important than Jai's life?" She scowls.
[12:30] Duncan Cooperstone: There were more than soldiers there.
[12:30] Gabe Yazimoto: ... and the guard I transported last night.
[12:30] Gabe Yazimoto sighs.
[12:31] Gallagher Aeon: don't let it happen again
[12:31] Gabe Yazimoto looks darkly at Gallagher but says nothing.
[12:31] Duncan Cooperstone shakes his head
[12:34] Gallagher Aeon send the shuttle into orbit
[12:34] Gallagher Aeon: "From now on get this clear, if one person goes down, no more than 1 person is to stay with them."
[12:35] Gabe Yazimoto is still giving Gallagher dark looks out of the corner of her eye.
[12:35] Gallagher Aeon: half the team staying to guard one person isn’t necessary and just puts everyone else in danger. When I say stick together I mean just that.
[12:35] Gabe Yazimoto: ... yes, Sheriff.
[12:35] Firefly 1.022 (Beta): Jai Raghilda' notices their wounds are healed. Jai Raghilda is ready to kick some ASS!
[12:35] Gallagher Aeon: was a complete shambles
[12:35] LilyBell Snoodle purrs and cuddles in to Gallagher "you ok?"
[12:35] Gabe Yazimoto glances ay Jai.
[12:35] Gallagher Aeon: no
[12:35] LilyBell Snoodle: Want to dance?
[12:35] Jai Raghilda: winks at Gabe
[12:35] LilyBell Snoodle: Want some cookies?
[12:35] Gabe Yazimoto smiles.
[12:36] Jai Raghilda: waves at Sandra and Emma and smiles.
[12:36] Gallagher Aeon: Mission over go relax eat cookies, drink beer