The Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia (CATZ) opened a trade consulate in Hale's Moon, its between the Planetarium and Fook Yoos. Formerly Madame Lenore's home of Negotiable Love. We had to sandblast some of that sticky love off the floors and walls, even the ceiling. All better now, moving on.
That's Gabe and I in our new uniforms and Laken "Spendy Girl" Susserman. Laken is part of the Zenobian Trade Association. Zeno too.
Gabe and I got fancy new uniforms for when we go to the Core on business or deal with the Alliance. I call it Gestapo Flight Attendant.
I fly, Gabe crews. She can shoot straight and is good at lots of things. Most importantly, she is good at things I am not good at. She made up the fancy CATZ sign among other things. Cool gun rack too, for her 'girls'. Names her guns. Meh, mercs.
Seriously, never. Although Gallagher's driving scares me more
The new office is slick, I moved Desse's and my apartment upstairs. The new office has a roof tube and a coffee replicant, a chilltastic couch. I am starting to stock it with stuff from Zenobia and Laken's wares and some of what I am hauling.
Laken carries cool medical stuff. A variety of cryostasis among them.
Zenobia produces a wide variety of high quality agricultural goods. I don't understand the economics of hauling potatoes to the rim, but I'm just a pilot.
BONUS! Gabe and I got a trip to Zenobia.
Zeno has a fancy spendy ship and we were able to take a round trip to see Zenobia.
The CATZ office in the Low Orbital Station:
The repair shop which is trying to figure out why my cargo shuttle ejects people when it releases its cargo.
The station was ginormous. We got a tour of the castle. Zenobia is strage, 26th century on the space station, medeival castle and village on the grounds. The Zenobian Nobility is....moving on. Too many pictures of the castle and village, will wait for another time. Free medieval clothing. Like I said, the Zenobian Nobility is....ummm they write my paycheck. Moving on.
We checked out the Tavern also.