Saturday, July 4, 2009


We got a call from Sheriff Gallagher about a cave in in an abandoned mine. Let's examine the good Sheriff's decision making process.

Cave in. put up police tape to block the entrance, post a strongly worded sign. Stay at a discrete distance.

BUT NOOOOOOO, there he goes.

Of course Gabe and I follow him like the idiot noobs we are. We find a mining office and then a tunnel collapse and we get stuck in there.

With judicious application of grenades and claymores that the sheriff suspiciously had with him, we make our way out.

Before you start thinking this might be the ideal place for a super secret meeting place. PLEASE NO, it's treacherous. That would be just dumb. What kind of a crazy person....never mind, moving on.

What price heroism? No more matiness idol looks for one.

So that's it, the end to our little adventure?


Hours later he does it again. Check out this transcript from a radio transmission.

[08:51] Gallagher Aeon: [[INCOMING TRANSMISSION FROM HALE'S MOON]] *STATIC* Hello? *STATIC* is..anyone***£&@%can anyone*£***STATIC* hear me?*@&£ there been an accident***STATIC* I'm trapped**STATIC@^sailor@£^$%£STATIC**...174, 61, 3....STATIC.....[TRANSMISSION FAILURE]

[09:01] Tillery Woodhen: Repeat, please? You're breaking up.

[09:01] CoolLuke Sands: Unknown Pilot. Rescue shuttle enroute. please repeat coordinates

[09:02] Gallagher Aeon: *STATIC* Hello? *STATIC* there's been an accident***STATIC* I'm trapped**STATIC*** sailor***@£^$%£STATIC**....174, 61, 3.......STATIC.....[TRANSMISSION FAILURE]

[09:04] Gallagher Aeon: **STATIC***transmitting....emergency....*STATIC**hologram****hurry*****oxygen is running out****

[09:05] CoolLuke Sands: Unknown Vessle. I have you in sight. Docking now.

[09:06] Gallagher Aeon: ***West Hales***....174....61....3

[09:07] Gallagher Aeon: *STATIC*

[09:11] Gallagher Aeon: **STATIC** where are you?

[09:14] CoolLuke Sands: Got an emergency call from here. Do you know where the mine entrance is at?

[09:24] Gallagher Aeon: Hello? I hear rocks breaking **static**

[09:33] CoolLuke Sands: "Can ou hear us sir?"