AuroraBlue came for a visit. Her hair no longer died black, still wearing Gallagher's Dharma jumpsuit and covered in grey dust. Looks like Dr. Scholl's pajamas. Ornery as ever, but didn't bite. She was looking for Blue. LIlyBell and her got a little pushy-shovey.
Monday had 5 or 6 (estimated) rounds of reaver attacfks. LilyBell, Gabe, Reese Shawbridge, Amon and I fended them off successful as part of the local militia. Amon was particularly persistent, wanting to dish out some payback for his grievous injuries the week before. He is still recovering and adjusting to his new prosthetic limbs. Reese was seriously injured, boxed in at the Starstruck's Coffee Shop Petstore. Gabe carried him to the infirmiry while being attacked by a reaver while the rest of us tried to fend the reaver off.
Take a close look at this reaver and tell me if those don't look like wires?
Amon lost his ship, his legs and an arm from a reaver attack while en route to Shadow. He finally got fitted with more advanced prosthetic legs. He was particularly motivated to give the Reavers "WHAT FOR!"
x0x0 Shangsun has been a frequent face around Hale. Blue Sun is opening a big op in East Hale. LilyBell calls her Red Fur. She spoke to me, for reals. It was like meeting a celebrity. I should have asked for an autograph. She's hiring btw. Executive Assistant/Security/Pilot/Liason/Computer, etc. That's just one job. You will need security clearance, references and figure out how to pronounce x0x0. Amon is applying for the job, think Duncan will give him a personal reference?
Coop and Immy have been hanging out, tough getting them to sit down. They are helping me out to deliver the Coffea Liberica and the endangered Sumatran Coffee Civets to Zenobia.
Krenshar has been acting...quirky, twitchy, squirlly, odd...dunno hard to tell exactly. He often runs around in circle and jumps at random. Talks cryptically about things as if you were present for the previous 5 conversations. Crashing a mule? Well, Gabe did that? Gallagher did something to shut him off temp and get his serial number or something. Ah, dunno what's going on. Krenshar is weirded out about Blue Sun moving in so close. Amon kept suggesting to have a programmer look at Krenshar. Krenshar did not like that. Lily got clawsy.
And finally, WHO DAT?