Zeno told me that the analysis from the Bihar Antiquities confirmed that the Relics of St. Zenobius is a crime. They are deciding on suspects. It was either switched out during the settlement of the planet in 2308, during the war or during the setup of the exhibit.
Arriving back at Hale, x0x0 (as I later learned) hired Doc Boozehound to bring Mindo back to the boarding house. I arrived on the scene as Doc was bringing Mindo, shortly thereafter x0x0 left wearing her danger outfit and Doc left also. He really has no idea who or what Mindo is.
Gabe and I went and remarkably, the door was unlocked. We didn't go in, instead set up about 60 claymore mines. We tried to talk with Mindo. He said he was sick and needed help, but not desperate enough to give me the information I wanted. He sucked, loser. Left him to his fate, since he was unwilling to help himself by helping us.
Aurora Blue came and tried to extract information from him. He was unwilling. AuroraBlue said that she didn't need the key and was going to end Lily. She asked for a ride, I refused. Gabe and I rushed to Mindo's Reaver Ship and waited. AuroraBlue tried to solicit rides. She promised to kill me last as a kindness if I helped her. I warned on the open channel not to and Mayor Seana grounded all outbound traffic. While I was waiting, I set up the claymores that I had previously set up at the boarding house. Madame Mayor Seana told me to stop AuroraBlue, but not kill her. I got my pillow and dolly ready.
Krenshar came up and while I was trying to convince him not to sacrifice his life, AuroraBlue launched missiles from a stolen/borrowed ship and then presumably stole the ship. I managed to get on my turbine surfer and brought an unconscious Krenshar up to the asteroid (Koozbane) where I moor my ship. Emma and I then confirmed that the ship was gone.
I lost track of things for a while. Gallagher had a new secret Dharma tape. Gallagher, Emma and I watched it. In the Herald Office, someone left me a classified file named "Operation Pax Dust."
Met up with Gabe and Zade and danced with some droids.
Oh, and the Mayor asked me the find the warbot, Raids, and bring her in to have her power core stripped. I found where it was kept, but someone bombed the place to bits. Quite a scorcher.
Oh, and Doc Boozehound got stranded in MacLaren's Drift, and I had to bring him back to Hale's Moon.
Oh, and I met the new Doctor, Doctor Lina Footpad, she seemed nice. From the rim, educated in the Core.
On a related note, Zade says that he does not require a prostate examination.
So, the usual. Just another day.