Ran into Ms. x0x0 Zhangsun in the unlikelieist of places, the Hale's Moon Wasteland Desert. She was surprising forthcoming, talking about how her main electrician and builder is missing and that one of her job applicants just informed her that he is too busy to consider a trial position she had come to offer in security of the grounds and buildings. I presume she was talking about Amon, who was less than 20 meters distant She also talked about plans to develop things for the citizens, but that no funds are being transferred until her reports were filed.
We chatted about erratic nature of doing business in the rim and the eccentricities of small town environs like Hale's Moon.
x0x0 Zhangsun: "Indeed. Including people who seem to enjoy poking their noses in other peoples business. I've just found...well. I suppose curiosity about BlueSun is to be expected. We have not formally announced yet, and already I've heard we've taken over the town, brought robots, come to force Alliance presence, come to open factories...."
I had not heard the robot rumor, but I mentioned that I had heard the other rumors, specifically that with Blue Sun will come a bolder Alliance presence.
x0x0 said that, "If that happens, it is quite coincidental I'm sure."
x0x0 hoped that perhaps they will be more congenial when they hear that the costs of blue sun goods on this moon are guaranteed to not increase.
I doubt it, people will continue to speculate and gossip, "but it doesn't mean they will take pitchforks and torches in hand and throw you in the river."
x0x0 Zhangsun: "That is fortunate. For them."
Strangely, x0x0 went down into the mine entrance and looked around. Parts were blocked off. We discussed the recent techtonic troubles earlier this week causing the ground to shift in areas.
x0x0 left at that point and before I could catch up with her, my tubine surfer was shot out from underneath me while exiting the mine are. Fortunately I was not at a high altitude.
The warbot was gone before I even got to my feet. I managed to run over to Amon who was working on a ship that I presume was made from parts salvaged by his new salvage business. While chatting with Amon Ansar, the warbot returned.
I put out an open call on the Firefly Channel. Emma, Amon and Reese all responded as well as newcomers, Altarus Byron and Korguth Silvercloud.
On a sidenote, I think I know how it came about the Blackburne fell to the reavers. There were a bunch of folks in Firefly's when I put out the open call and a giant warbot on their roof opening fire on locals. Did any of the barflied move? Nooooooo. The reavers attacked them on a clubnight. Pfft, barflies.
[21:38] Firefly Channel IM: Jai Raghilda: **Static** This is Jai Raghilda, over the Hale's Westtown, I was just fired upon by a hostile mechanical
[21:39] Firefly Channel IM: Jai Raghilda: It is still in the area
[21:40] Firefly Channel IM: Jai Raghilda: Model XG001-Zeta Warbot
[21:41] Firefly Channel IM: Jai Raghilda: Heading Towards Firefly's Bar
[21:42] Firefly Channel IM: Jai Raghilda: You barflies really suck at this. HELP!
[21:44] Firefly Channel IM: Jai Raghilda: On top of the Space port heading towards Blue Sun, barflies are safe for the moment.
When we finally got close to the warbot, Reese's Alderon PDA confirmed that it was XG315 Cyberschreiber, Model XG001-Zeta Warbot. Not some rogue mining droid.
Emma, Amon, Reese, Altarus, Korguth and I pursued the warbot for close to a half hour. It looked to be on more of a recon mission. It covered every inch of Hale's and West Hales, and also scanned medical equipment. Didn't step one foot into the Blue Sun area, hm. I tried to communicate with the 'bot, but no response.