Zeno gave me the heads up that the shooting range was reinstalled in the new Zenobian Orbital Space Station. Emma, Gabe and I went there and tried our hand. Gabe kicked our ass, of course. Her high score on the Ego Buster setting of 150 still stands, try your luck. Gallagher came and Emma and I decided that we should make sure and keep Gabe and Gallagher in front. Gallagher decided that Dharma folks needed more training and with logic that makes sense in that dark scarey place known as Gallagher's Mind, he took us to a dark scarey place known as "RALPH".
Some folks may recognize the name "Ralph", a mysterious planet/moon/rock/town that Sheriff Gallagher disappears to every now and then. He usually comes back wearing bandages. Tourists don't go and the locals don't leave, it’s a perpetual warzone. I don't know what the fighting is about and no one is likely to stop shooting long enough to tell me.
Eventually Zade came about and the fighting escalated to really hot. Vega came by after I left.
(Pictures courtesy of Gallagher Aeon)
Turns out that Gallagher's old army buddy, Desmond Serenity, hangs out at Ralph, which is probably why Gallagher keeps going there. No one likely to find Desmond there.
The new General Store in Hale's has a lot of Dharma products. I am finding them around here and there, including a pack of chewing gum in the Zenobian Vault on Hale's Moon. In typical Dharma style, there was a secret message for me in the pack of gum. It was about the new railroad, but that's for a later time.
In case you're wondering, Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid found naturally in the breast milk with reputed analgesic and antidepressant effects.
Individuals with the disorder known as Phenylketonuria should avoid phenylalanine. A non-food source of phenylalanine is the artificial sweetener aspartame, sold under the trade names "Equal" and "NutraSweet", is metabolized by the body into several chemical byproducts including phenylalanine. Foods containing aspartame or other sources of phenylalanine must be labeled with a warning "Contains a source of phenylalanine."
I avoid soy, except for teriyaki sauce, miso soup, sweet noodle sauce, soylent green, tempeh, .... oh forget it, I probably eat too much soy.