That's me in my spiffy Dharma uni, Gallagher is a great photographer. I've been gone for a week, figured you might have forgotten what I look like.
This is Aurora, formerly AuroraBlue, she's all organic now. I am hoping she worked out that little quirk about planning to kill all organic life. She promised to kill me last if I helped her. Maybe, hopefully.
This was Aurora saying goodbye, x0x0 got all weepy. Seana hauled Aurora off to Ariel to live on their family compound. They are probably used to high-strung smarty kids.
This was Emma standing up to Gabe about Raids. I don't think that Gabe was going to do anything, but Emma got defensive. When Venice "Red Eyes" and the always heavily armed Autharius came, I think Emma feared the worst.
Emma's solution was to hide Raids away, so that people didn't obsess about the mechanical killing machine. We got a little tied up and neglected to inform Nack in a timely manner. Emma apologized on our behalf, she's the nice one.
I thought that story was pretty much over, but then Seana asked me to retrieve Raids so that they could dismantle her power core. I checked it out, but apparently, Raids was blown up. We are investigating some theories in that regard.
Once again I thought that story was pretty much over, but ....
Turns out Raids is a Von Neumann 'bot, which means she can rebuild herself. I guess except for the motivator chip. Raids is back at Firefly's Bar. LilyBell informs me that Raids likes Radishes. If Raids eats, then.... well.... Who cleans up after that?
Captain Griffy was sniffy around for a bit, hung out with Gallagher, hung out with Zade.
Those who read the Hale's Moon Herald, know that Reece "No Spellcheck" ShawBridge got his foot blown off in the Loyalist bombing attack a couple weeks back.
LilyBell thought she maybe found Reece's foot. Well....maybe, but it seemed a tad big to be Reece's foot, and it had pink nailpolish and it was still gushing blood. She said she'd keep looking.
This is Araya, she's a mechanic or engineer or something, BUT DEFINITELY NOT A COOK! Her former crew ditched her on Hale's Moon in response to and incident involving dosing her grumpy Captain's soup with an over-the-counter pleasure pill and an undisclosed fatal allergic reaction.
Araya has relaxed a little, here she is on "Thong Day" feeling all cleavagy. Or maybe the Laundry Day Effect is spreading.
I have been negligent in my duties with the Herald. I was preparing for a long trip. I am only just catching up now. This is Doctor Lina Footpad, a physician and fond of prescribing supositories. She had taken the job as the new doctor on Hale's Moon. By the time I got around to catching up, she resigned and moved, saying Hale's needs a surgeon more than a physician. She got another gig deep in Reaver territory.
This is Doctor Illyana Lovochkin, a surgeon. I am not sure if she is the new surgeon. I met her once before, but I recalled her being shorter.
Vegaslon, Vega for short, has been around for a bit, but he has a new look. Hair and apparently he has been hitting the weights.
HUZZAH! YAY! Leovinus Twine is back. The rim's best wasteland salvager. A very talented builder. Leo had been in the far end of the rim and out of contact for a few months. Good to see him back.
Duncan had also been scarce for a couple of weeks, something all secrety and important no doubt. I visted Immy every day, but she was never really conscious.
I don't know what kind of dressup this is, or if the Laundry Day Effect is spreading thru the 'Verse.
Krenshar has not been all there since having to use part of his positronic brain or something to help LilyBell and Aurora.
Krenshar had been acting quirkier than usual, dressed up like an alliance soldier looking for a replicant named Krenshar Magic. Going catatonic, more than usual that is.
He finally went and hauled himself off to someplace he had been talking about since I knew him, some replicant homeland or safehouse or something like that. If I seem unclear, it's because peoplea are unclear to me. Here, he scuffed up some of his infiltration skin falling down some incline. Emma was a little bit confused. LOOK AWAY EMMA!
That was shortlived, back to the usual Krenshar replicant skin, a little worn and tattered.
X0x0 has been working Emma so hard that she activated the Emma6 Recreation Unit that has bonded to mimic Emma. Sounds like a Cybertronics unit to me, but Emma didn't know who the manufacturer was. But, much like Emma, Emma6 has a tendency to get a little scratched up.