My friends have been having a rough time about things recently. Gabe was given the shakedown treatment by and alliane goon.
And Emma gets spooked by another Alliance goon, who gave her a note during a terrorist bombing on Hale.
Emma kept low for a couple days, then hit the black:
Finally, she comes back, just in time for us to find the missing Desmond.
Emma told Gabe and I about her trip to the asteroids and said that there might be some good salvage. Gabe and I were game and happy to supplement my salary from CATZ. We went about making our preparations.
Gabe tried out some options for her space suit. We call this one "Darth Gabe". The Hips Ahoy Captain Cleavage look is not so provocative while wearing the body armor. It makes a good underarmor under her space suit. She tried to freak out Krenshar about it, saying she got tired of her "soft bits". Krenshar was too distracted by his recent hobby of women's shoewear to notice.

I tried to get my Aught-Two ready, so we could use it for the mission. Emma and Gallagher tried to help me rotate the main engine.

Zade came along, we could always use the help.
We set our radios to a channel, checked our vacc-suits, loaded up and a longer than usual discussion about "Is everybody seated?"

Emma gave me the coordinates and we took off.

We found a ship, a mid-bulk cruiser on a small seemingly abandoned base. Emma said that the ship had not been there before. Seeing no signs of activity, we picked a relatively safe landing spot.
Gun Turrets. Emma, Zade and Gabe were pretty efficient about dealing with them. I shot at one for a while, but seemingly to no effect. I just just say I'm a pacifist for how effective I am with a gun.
We managed to make it to the bay where the mid-bulk cruiser was parked, some sentinel replicants were activated. I managed to defend myself successfully against one and get on board the mid-bulk cruiser while Gabe, Emma and Z held back the rest.
At this point, there was smoke and fire in the ship. We didn't bring a mechanic with us, but I am willing to bet that it is a bad sign.

Most of the cargo was damaged, I am not sure what it hauled.

Unable to find anything to stabilize the ship, we went onto the main bridge. We struggled with finding any active console. It was manufactured by the "Bland Corporation", producers of generic goods. When acceptable is all you can afford.
Somehow we activated a voice control thingyawhatzitchamacalitwhoozitdooddle, and the computer seems to take some of Gabe's instructions after a fashion. Which was mostly not at all, but we managed to download some data onto a chip before the Bland Ship decided to activate the self destruct.
At this point, I spotted two mean looking guys sniffing around the burning ship. Predictably, I quickly ended up face down in a red puddle. As such, I am unsure what happened next.
I came to at some point, Zade had carried me to safety. Then Gabe was down. Z dispatched the uber reaver. Oh yeah, at some point I guess there were reavers, I missed that, I was KO.

Z carries Gabe to safety. By this point, I can walk and we make a break for the ship.

I am not sure if Emma was down or if she thought she could operate the burning ship, but another longer that should have discussion which was essentially "Is everyone seated yet?" The answer was no, Emma jerry-rigged the other ship. We took off finally and headed for safety. A transmission came over the radio "If you like this demonstration of the Bland Corporation's Self Destruct Mechanism, visit our showroom or check us out online."

We towed the ship back to Hale's and went dirtside without even changing clothes, our reply to inquiries, "Laundry Day.

Someone comped me for fuel, I don't know what profit we'll see from the burned up midbulk and Zade found a really cool uber-wrench of doom. I think everyone but Z got beat up a bunch. A typical salvage mission.