Been gone awhile. Burned my copies of The Velveteen Rabbit and Pinocchio, dusted myself on, had a good cry, then it was time to move on.
Most people assume I just wile away the hour on the computer, wasting my life away
Or binge watching signal-tube and binge eating sushi and other take out on my incredible chilltastic couch.
The truth is simpler, and equally unglamorous. I returned to Zenobia and started a family. I already had the husbandly man, so decided to complete the set.
I suspect there is something similar to Stockholm Syndrome that causes women to be wistfully romantic about their recollections about pregnancy and childbirth. Don’t listen to ‘em, it’s a nightmare. Love the kid, but never again. NEVER! They had to put me in a medically induced coma and cut the kid out of me. Goodbye bathing suit season.
In the meantime, during my barefoot and pregnant manserving babymaking-bot domestic fantasy cosplay at-home incarceration, I checked in with some childhood pals, like my friend Dorothy.

I considered "I’ve seen some weird shit" as the title of my autobiography, but no publishers were interested. Good thing I include pictures, amiright?
Like any good upwardly mobile ambitious plebian family, as soon as the kid was old enough, we packed her off to boarding school. She’ll be fine. I turned out okay. I mean, who doesn't need therapy?
A boarding school enabled empty-nester, I returned to where I started my career, Persephone. Specifically, Southdown Docks.
Unlike the first time I was here, when I got my lightbulk Firefly out of the shop, I had the money to pay the bill. I am progressing in life.
Don, the local harbor master, hooked me up with a good warehouse space with good access where to park my boat.
It is right near a sushi joint, I considered it a good sign.