No gruesome vivisection victims.
No ground attacks by Loyalist Terrorists.
No attempted murder of the Sheriff.
No being accosted by armed figures from Gallagher's past.
No high altitude firefights.
You know you're living during hard times when no one trying to kill you is enough to qualify as a good day.
And I had sushi for lunch. Mmmm, sushi. And miso soup. I love the pickled ginger and I may have developed a dependence on wasabi. I have been told that eating too much can stunt your growth. Regardless, thank God for Charly and her tea house which serves quality sushi.
A quiet day finally. Set up orbital dockage at Shadow. Major Cooperstone showed me some options. Coop also introduced me to an enthusiastic man with the improbably name of Podwrangler. What were his parents thinking?
I headed back to Hale's. Gallagher said Desmond left a bunch of stuff that needed to be demolished. It was a good opportunity for to learn to use one of these weapons.
Today's lesson: the M4 Grenade Launcher. Tres Cool. The rifle is almost as tall as I am. I have long since accepted that every weapon looks silly when I am carrying it.
After a fun filled time of blowing up crates of whatnots and whatchamacallits, Gallagher found another photograph of his old unit and another antquated surveillance tape.
I'm not trained military profession like Coop, Starbuck and Zeno. I'm not law enforcement like Gallagher. I have an accounting degree (Scientiae Appliquée Baccalaureus Ordinaire Degree in Accounting, Finance, Economics and Interplanetary Trade from Londinium University). Nothing military, law enforcement or legal in my background. BUT I KNOW A FRIGGIN' CLUE WHEN IT'S STARING ME IN THE FACE!
The 'verse has been diminished and is a sadder place since the passing of Mr. Universe.
[OOC: BTW Gallagher takes great pics. Click on the images for full sized.]