An Alliance astronomer found a derelict ship on a slow drift from Blue Sun over 13 years ago. The Corporation which owned the ship had already written the ship off and it was legal to salvage. The astronomer said the information was not on the official list yet, so if we moved fast, we could get the juicy stuff before rude people might make us fight for it.
It took a while, but I was able to find environmental gear that fit Moira, it made her look like Darth Moira, but she can buy something fancy when she has her own money.
The air was fetid and rank. Toxic fumes rose from many broken pipes. We were able to find a control room that evacuated some of the worst of it. But our access to the ship would be limited until we came back in full Vacc Suits.
The salvage broker, Mercedes was able to find the main control room. We separated from her after she helped us unlock the controls. She said she would meet up with us again back on Aphrodite.
It did not take long to find out that this was not the kind of salvage mission I was expecting. We found a sealed corridor with living biological matter. Moira took a sample to check out later, but she recognized it as Blastomere Incubation Units (BIU). BIUs are used to grow embryonic material used to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs.
It also meant that someone had been here in the last month or so and were using this for their own purposes.
Searching on our own, we found more of the medical facilities where the blastomeres were impregnated into the Blastomere Incubation Units (BIU). There were also a large number of Cryogenic Statis Units (SCUs).
Then we found the bodies.