I meet him in his office and sit on the back of his Chill-tastic couch and he slips in the tape.
Dharma Initiative
Video Tape 1 of 8
We apologise for the technology used to carry this message. We understnad it coudn't have been easy to view.
On this tape is evidence that the Alliance have been hacking into our media and inserting damaging subliminal messages
According to Desmond Serenity, professional paranoid, the Alliance hacked their media records and placing subliminal messages.
Pfft, subliminal messages, who believes in that. But just to be on the safe side, I resolve to resist the urge to snack on the Fruity Oaty Bar in my pack.
Initiative Classifications
The Hanso Foundation, 1981. All Rights Reserved
I forgot to ask Gallagher who the Hanso Foundation is. 1981? I hum to myself the Fruity Oaty Bar jingle.
Station 2 - Parapsychological Study
- Clairvoyance/ Clairaudience
I totally spaced out for Station 1 and most of Station 2. Station 2 is about Paraphsychology.
I try to keep the words out of my head, "Fruity Oaty Bars, make a man out of a mouse! Fruity Oaty Bars, make you burst out of your blouse. In another time, let them blow your mind! Hey!"
Station 3 - Physics
- Boson String Research
- Matrix Mechanic Theor
- Paleogeography
- Quantum Electrodynamics
Station 3 is about Physics. Paleogeography, ok sure. Boson Strings? He was the singer for U2, no?
Mmmm, that Fruity-Oaty goodness!
Station 4 -
- Cryptozoological Research
- Genus Aberrational Studies
- Pyslogenetics
- Species Allocation & Conservation
Cryptozoology? Like finding bigfoot?
I dunno....Gallagher says this is supposed to discredit the Dharma Initiative, but for I know Desmond is into this stuff.
ZOHMYGODZILLA, the subminal programming works. I am so weak and pathetic.
Oh look, there's a Fruity Oaty Bar in my hand. I try to put it away, but my hand defies my will. Mmmm, that Fruity-Oaty goodness!
Station 5 -
- Electron Degeneracy Research
- Gravitational Radiation
- Peculiar Stellar Velocities
- Radiative Transport Study
Radiative Transport? Ummm...Peculiar Stellar Velocities?
Just one bite maybe.
Station 6 -
- Heterogeneity Refinement
- Cryogenics & Cellular Stasis
- Ectopic Integration Studies
- Monoclonal Research
It really is fruity oaty good.
Oh, the tape, yeah, ummm. hm. Station 6, ah Cellular Stasis, Ectopic ehhh, uhhh, Monocional....
Damn it, I'm eating this whole bar and I don't care. It's mine, all mine. MMMMMMmmmmm, ahhhh. mmmmm.
I really was not a good student at school, I barely passed with ordinaire, no honors. Solidly in the top 80% of my graduating class.
Alvar Hanso
Founder and Director of The Hanso Foundation
Who is Alvar Hanso? Founder, director. Yeah, but who is he? Damn, I'll ask Gallagher later.
Mmmm, rich in flavour, vitamins and juices of some kind, each bite feels like a slice of the 'verse.
Fruity Oaty Bars
make a man out of a mouse!
Fruity Oaty Bars
make you burst out of your blouse.
In another time,
let them blow your mind!
Fruity Oaty Bars!
Fruity Oaty Bar Commercial