We found two living bodies, preserved in cryrostasis and a bunch of medical supplies.
We decided that it was enough for a day and the laws of humanity and God insist that we provided immediate medical attention to these victims.
Salvaged Medical:
Hydrozopan: A painkiller with the effectiveness of morphine, but with lower risk.
Isoprobiline: an immunity booster that fights off most bacterial infections.
Propoxin: An effective sedative often used by triage units to stabilize people in shock.
Byphodine: A drug which induces a state of reduced metabolic function. Without careful examination, a person under the effects of Byphodine is easily mistaken for a cadaver.
Blastomeres: Cells produced from a fertilized egg during embryonic development used in organ transplants. Alliance regulations require that they be transported from point of origin to final destination within a human host who functions not only as a carrier but an incubator.
Dermal Mender: A piece of medical equipment used to repair damage to the dermis, skin, and cartilage and can even reattach limbs or smaller appendages like an ear or nose. Uses molecular nanotechnology to reweave the dermal fibers at the cellular level. Such a procedure is to stitches as stitches are to a bandage.
Ration Bricks: Vacuum sealed parcels of individual meals, made mostly of single celled organic proteins and flavored to give the diner the weak illusion of real food if you don’t think about it too much. An ingot sized brick packed with nutrients and vitamins enough to feed a family of four for a month. Often supplied for terraformers or early colonists.
Mudder’s Milk: a noxious mix of proteins, vitamins and 15% pure alcohol a hearty and cheap way to get both nutrients and sloshed. A very popular drink on Higgin’s moon.
Blackburne S.I.N. cards (Social Identification Number)
All Weather Poncho: A poncho with a series of cooling bladders and a thermal layer designed to allowing survival in many harsh planetary climates.
Filter Mask: A protective garment that protects the wearer from noxious or toxic fumes. Wearers of this item gain protection from inhaled gaseous poisons or other airborne toxins, however this does not offer an independent air supply and does not aid against asphyxiation.
Other Meds:
Pen 15 solution
Tranicloride Cetrizine
The nearest planet with medical facilities was Shadow, which we made full burn to. Sadly Major Cooperstone of the Independent 12th Air Calvalry informed me that they had medical facilities but no longer a doctor.
I informed him of what I knew and stored the two cryo victims until I could take them the Hale's Moon.
The Social Ident Cards from Blackburne and the nature of the situation made it look like someone was harvesting organs from Blackburne victims. People would blame the Reavers and not even look for them.
Moira took a transport to Aphrodite to scare up the broker and I transported the Cryogenics and supplies to Hale. Sheriff Gallagher took the Cryogenics off my hands to keep in a safe place until they could be examined and possibly identified. He would run the ident cards against the list of missing blackburne residents.
Gallagher informed my naive self that it was probably a setup from the start.
It was no longer a legal salvage and the meds were probably taken from Blackburne, so I donate them to the cause.
The mission was a total bust. Thankfully, the Independents filled up the tanks, but I have no profit to show for my troubles.
And now I had a legal problem. Mercedes and whoever Mercedes works for was probably expecting a different outcome.
I had to figure a way out of this and I needed backup.
Major Ducnan "Coop" Cooperstone, along with Captain Mikie Starbuck Rhiadra and Petty Officer Third Class Zeno Baxton, all of the Independent's 12th Air Calvary accompanied me back to the derelict ship.
We found 3 vivisected corpses:
This was no reaver picnic, this was done surgically.
Charlie was still breathing despite extreme vivisection.
PO Zeno and I ran off to find the others.