I found the Sheriff lying face down on the screen door to his office, bleeding profusely from multiple gunshot wounds. The stench of death was stifling, although attracting to several flying insects from the neighboring greenhouse.
I immediately called out for help. The only person to respond to my shouts for help was General Parkin who replied, "Keep it down over there, I'm trying to watch Stargate"
Somehow the Sheriff stubbornly clung to his life. A valuable attribute in his line of work.
I called for backup, Major "Coop" Cooperstone was the first person I found that would answered a call. The assassins picked a time when most folks were away at their day jobs.
I was finally able to lift the door and squeeze thru, I could see that Sheriff Gallagher had a syringe of Adrenaline in his hands. He lost consciousness before being able to administer it. They should really label these things better. I stuck the needle in Gallagher and hoped for the best.
After the adrenaline shot, Gallagher was strong enough that I was able to help him to the infirmiry downstairs. Another good piece of city planning was to put an infirmiry very close to the Sheriff's office. I am not trained in medical, but I put him on a bed, hit the on button and prayed for the best.
Humming machine, breathing patient, no screaming; a good sign.
The machine stabilized Gallagher enough that he was able to point to the bulletwound fixer and stiches substitute. Thankfully they are designed for the inept, simple point and shoot.
Once stabilized, he had me find something called Dalaiproxinate which has nanites I inject into his temple which would fix his insides.
Gallagher was on his feet and cleaning the blood off, just as the 12th Air Calvalry Unit arrived.
(Police Investigation next)