I read other people's account of combat and firefights and they seem to know all the details. They either have some fabulous skill that is far beyond me, or they are just making stuff up to fill in the blanks.
'Cause I was in my first firefight and I am still trying to figure out what happened. I'm there, live and in person, and I still have to read about it in the Cortex News Service to find out what happened.
Sheriff Gallagher and I were on Shadow meeting with Major "Coop" Cooperstone and Captain "Starbuck" Rhiadra. Military people are required to have nicknames I suspect.
Coop and Starbuck... Oh no, forget it, I just can't use do it, Major Cooperstone and Captain Rhiadra were sparring in their Dojo. Its called sparring, fancy martial arts talk for Captain Rhiadra kicking Major Cooperstone's highly trained behind all over the room.
Cooperstone: "You might want move, Jai."
I heeded his sage advise and wisely utilized strategic maneuver numbers 1 and 2 (run for cover and hide), and kept at a safer distance behind the medical bed.
Major Cooperstone acknowledged the virtues of the Totally Awesome Wicked KICK-ASS "Bitter Thorns" Dance Fans.
"Damn them FANS!!!!. If I wouldn't look like a girly girl I'd get those fans," conceded Coop as he picked himself off the floor, "I might get them even IF they did made me look like a girly girl."
Gallagher briefed us on what he knew about the new modified Pax which was weaponized into a Reaver Virus, which up to now he assumed was a myth.
Yeah yeah, that's the easy part. Right?
Then we're getting ready to head back to Hale's Moon...
I'm in my shuttle, not even at my ship yet, it's in low orbit.
We're at about 3000 meters on the way to where my ship was parked, then some crazy people start shooting at us. Totally out of the blue, uh black.
As my Uncle Cole Oyl used to say, "WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT!"
My shuttle is damaged. Thankfully, we were already in environmental gear and we tethered up to a drifting Firefly. Nice one too if it had both wings and its top wasn't torn off.
I hear chatter over the radio, "LT! they're in a bird"
My inner voice counsels me, "Stupid School Learny Girl, you got a radio. Use it duh-head."
[7:48] Radio: Jai Raghilda: Jai Raghilda under fire in mid orbit over Shadow 3000m Alliance Purple
Poof, Gallagher is gone.
[7:52] Radio: Solomon Leitner: Unkown Vessel... you are in Independent air space... state your purpose
I drop in thru the hole in the roof which was open to the ship's galley. I can't even tell which direction the hyperactive Sheriff took off to.
[7:52] Radio: Jai Raghilda: took heavy damage from Alliiance gunfire, landed ship on drifting firefly ... please send assistance
I run to the bridge, hoping it might be operative. Nah, no such luck. I grab the station radio and hook it to my comm, at least it works.
[7:55] Radio: Solomon Leitner: Unknown Vessel, this is Elindor Actual, Air Cavalry combat Patrol is en route to intercept...standby
[7:55] Radio: Jai Raghilda: Thank you. Had to land on Firefly, still under fire.
I drop prone as I approach the Cargo Bay, as I hear more gunfire.
No one. I hear gunfire and feel the hull shake from engine vibration, but not the ship itself. Luckily I find the parts I need to stabilize my shuttle.
Over the radio, I hear Calvalry radio chatter.
[8:01] Radio: Styker H6 SF2 - Starbuck: start engine.
[8:01] Radio: Styker H6 SF2 - Starbuck: enable steering.
[8:01] Radio: Styker H6 SF2 - Starbuck: WASD to fly.
[8:01] Radio: Styker H6 SF2 - Starbuck Online.
[8:01] Radio: Mikie Rhiadra: vice on
[8:01] Radio: Duncan Cooperstone: CCC Ready, activating Callahan Combat Control.
[8:01] Radio: Duncan Cooperstone: activating VICE combat system
The Calvary have come to save me. Mikie and Duncan will save me.
Um, I guess maybe later. I watch them go to do something needful.
I activate my Extra Vehicular Maneuvers Grappling Tether and put my HALO chute on standby and exit the Firefly.
Still don't know where Gallagher is.
I tether around the ship and caught a couple of glimpses of Gallagher and a glimpse of something purple which I could shoot at.
Pfft. Why do I even carry a weapon?
At some point the firefight got away from me.
Gallagher was God knows where, probably jumped onto the Alliance ship and shot them up from there.
Coop and Starbuck were probably off chasing someone or other.
See what I mean now? I have no idea what happened. Who could know?
I put the "patch on" to the hull breach on my shuttle and am able to pull shut the hatch.
I fire 'er up and go look for Gallagher.
It's just a damn firefly, how did I lose him?
If the military ever asks me to join, it is a sign that they are totally desperate. Evacuate immediately.
Who comes to my rescue? CEO Tillery Woodhen, in a snazzy ship being hassled by the Alliance.
[8:12] Radio: Damien Macalroy: This is an illegal slavage operation, you will stand down and be bound by law!
[8:12] Radio: Tillery Woodhen shouts: I'm performing a rescue!
I find Gallagher finally, no explanation or how are you.
I drop as quickly as my damaged shuttle will let me into the asteroid field. I don't the 'roid fields anymore because people keep snickering.
Gallagher tried to activate the gunnery hatch and ejecta himself. How many times in a day does that man get himself lost?
What happened to Tillery? Dunno
What happened with Coop and Starbuck? Dunno.
What was Gallagher doing all this time? Dunno.
Does anyone tell me? Noooooo!!!!! I'm going to have to read about it in the Cortex News Service, just like everyone else.
My cousin Moira tells me that I am being too genuine and forthright, and that people want to read about people being cool. Gotta maintain my street cred, savvy?
So, let's try that first part again.
Sheriff Gallagher and I were on Shadow meeting with Major "Coop" Cooperstone and Captain "Starbuck" Rhiadra. Coop and Starbuck were sparring in their Dojo. Major Cooperstone acknowledged the virtues of the impressive "Bitter Thorns" Dance Fans. Gallagher briefed us on what he knew about the new modified Pax which was weaponized into a Reaver Virus, which up to now he assumed was a myth.
On our way back to Hale's and some Alliance goon opens fire on our shuttle at about 3000m. My shuttle is damaged, thankfully, we were already in environmental gear and we tethered up to a drifting Firefly that had its top ripped off and missing a wing.
I radio for help and Gallagher and I split up. As I run to the bridge, I hear that the Independents are sending assistance. The Helm is inoperative, I grab a radio and head to the Cargo Bay. I drop prone as I approach the Cargo Bay, as I hear more gunfire. All clear. I hear gunfire and feel the hull shake from engine vibration, but not the ship itself. I find the parts I need to stabilize my shuttle.
Over the radio, I hear radio chatter. The Calvary has arrived. I activate my Extra Vehicular Maneuvers Grappling Tether and put my HALO chute on standby and exit the Firefly. I tether around the ship and caught a couple of glimpses of Gallagher and a glimpse of something purple which I could shoot at.
I put the "patch on" to the hull breach on my shuttle and am able to pull shut the hatch. I fire 'er up and go to retreive Gallagher.
Tillery Woodhen arrives in a Cortex News Service Ship and is being hassled by Alliance, threatening him with arrest.
I find Gallagher finally, and drop as quickly as my damaged shuttle will let me into the asteroid field to evade pursuit.
Satisfied now Moira? Fine, moving on.
We find Mr. Woodhen in the asteroid field, his ship is experiencing some temporary technical difficulty.
Gallagher explains that he and Coop took town the Alliance aggressors.
Tillery confirmed that he got photographs of the events.
Major Cooperstone came: "Well there may be more, power up and form up on my wing I'll escort you down."
On the ground, I perform the traditional kiss of the planet. Dirtside, today, I love you. Mwah, mwah, mwah. Smootchies.
Duncan Cooperstone looks at Tillery, "Well, happen you are gonna know about us a little earlier than the Old Man ahd figured on."
Tillery Woodhen, "I heard about a battle, wanted to get some proof."
Duncan Cooperstone: "We get 'em now again, they come back round here poking their noses in, usually the CAP get's em long fore they make it too close."
Duncan Cooperstone, "If I were a cynical man, Jai, I'd say this here was gonna be related to them bodies you found."
The 'verse has worked very hard to make me cynical, I am going to think it is about those bodies until proven otherwise.
Duncan Cooperstone tapped the wing of his Stryker, "12th Air Cavalry battlegroup Mr. Woodhen, in the flesh"
Tillery Woodhen, "Didn't know you guys had an airforce."
Duncan Cooperstone, "I don't know as I can say too much more, Mr, Woodhen, not without orders...You'd best be speaking to the Admiral your own self. I know he has something he'd like run in the CNS"
"Wait one...," said Duncan as he touches his comms, "Elindor...Hard Six... request Actual."
Gallagher grumbled, "The fact that it turned up just as I was leaving too is strange, with Desmond being here yesterday too. Trying to pass it off as an illegal salvage charge. If they had captured you, Jai, you would be charged for war crimes. Wearing that outfit, they would connect you to the Dharma Initiative. I am keeping the Dharma Inititative suit on to show we are not going to be intimidated."
Duncan Cooperstone turned back from his comms, "Mr Woodhen... I need a ride, we lost a pilot in that engagement, engine failure, she punched out, she's dirtside, needs pick up"
After a quick breather on the waterfront with Duncan and Gallagher, we join the others in the fort. Tillery is meeting with Admiral Solomon Leitner.
Solomon Leitner: "I would like you to run a statement in the CNS with regard to certain intelligence that has come to light. It will be a general statement of intent regarding the soveringty of Shadow airspace. The other matters I would prefer to discuss with you at your convienence.
I won't go further on about the details, you can read about it in the Cortex News Service.
After they discuss some particulars and make some arrangement, the Admiral arranges a CAP escort.
I stuck around after Gallagher, Duncan and Tillery left to say hello to Captain Rhiadra and thank her personally for saving my life.
Apparently the Admiral was still in the room, "And you will be the Ms Raghilda of whom I have read so many AArs recently."
"...the bad parts are not my fault," I stammer out. "but yes, I am."
Mikie chuckles heartily at my expense.
The Admiral quirks an eyebrow, "That remains to be seen. If you insist on poking around in matters that can get you killed... *shakes head* at least make sure it's worth it.
I start to explain that it should have been a simple and legal salvage op, but they were busy.
Admiral Leitner saves me from embarassing myself further, "We'll talk more about this at another juntcure"
I didn't want to hear me talk about it either, "Yes sir. Good day, ... uh... ummmm, uh. sir."