Jump up and down on LilyBell's Bed to see if she is awake.
Listen to Gallagher explain the evils of tobacco. He gave a slide show later with 6 years of pics from Hale's Moon. Some secret stuff too. It was very cool. There was also presents. Gabe came by for part of the slideshow.
Went shopping with Gabe to help her pick out a Hoohah for the Fook Me Hookah Lounge. This is not the final hookah, another post for that when Gabe installs it. IT'S GINORMOUS and seats 8.
A little sushi and saki at the Fook Me Hookah Lounge. Don't be thinking I spend all of my time on a couch. It is however, CHILLTASTIC.
A little picnic with Mikie and Sandra in front of the Post Office in Shadow. Sandra now flies with the Independent's 12th Air Cavalry.
Ooh, there was a big dog too. It doesn't talk like Gallagher's dog pal, Victor the wonder dog.
Jai: "What do you call the top of a house?"
Victor: "Roof"
Jai: What is the name of the planet where Gallagher was trapped 2 weeks ago?:
Victor: "Ralph"
Jai: "How would you describe the texture of sandpaper?"
Victor: "Rough"
Victor: "Jai, this won't be as funny written..."
Jai: "Really? But its a classic...."
Victor: "Whatever, I'm outta here."
Programmed my replicant secretary in my new shipping office. Its name is "NOT KRENSHAR MAGIC". Check out the map, cool eh? I have a chilltastic couch in there too. But don't be thinking I spend all of my time on the couch. These offices actually belong to Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia (CATZ), but Zeno lets me put things here because I am doing some shipping for them. I get to use the GINORMOUS Behemoth Ship, makes faster trips than my Firefly Mini 01 Aught One (could be an 00 Aught Aught)
This is not to be confused with the news hologram in front of the Hale's Moon Herald. Hemoine Hale (News Hologram) gives out the news of the previous week plus any events that I am made aware of. Serves coffee too. Leave me a message with the feedback button and there is a free gift. This week its a 1024 by 650 pixel map of the 'Verse, the flip side shows the planets. Shiney.
Did a little work on the Behemoth, 80,000 cubic meters of cargo space. 100 meters long.
Here it the Behemoth again next to a full sized firefly for comparison.
Follow LilyBell deep into the mines to see what she is doing. She was digging something and said for me never to go into the mines again, because it is too dangerous.
I met a man that is supposedly dead, he looked a little sleepy. I blew stuff up for Tabitha and Lerch. The big dog came around again. There's also a puppy.
LilyBell was working on a nifty ship she found. Pic didn't come out though, sorry.
Found Coop asleep in Firefly's Bar next to a companion named Pandora, he probably didn't know. He gave me a cool radio earlier. I gave him a bulletin board. Every day is Christmas in Hale's Moon.