Gallagher and I found the tapes that Desmond left. One was in the sheriff's office and the other underneath the apartments. I can't give you details, all secrety cool.
Gallagher's vhs player is busted and so we can't play the tapes right away. Damn ancient Earth technology, they should have gone betamax. Desmond left Gallagher video games. Desmond is a strange...uh good guy.
So, I'm sitting on the chilltastic box, and some tweaky guy is banging on the door of Lily's old apartment. Gallagher runs out and takes his M4 rifle with him grumbling something about Mindo.
Gallagher is fast, by the time I catch up, Gallagher is on the veranda of LilyBell's old apartment and holding Mindo back at gunpoint.
Mindo seemed oblivious.
[6:48] Mindo Lupindo calls out softly "lily. Lily. Open the door".
[6:48] Hale's Door: Mindo Lupindo knocked at the door
[6:48] Mindo Lupindo: Lily I have AuroraBlue. Open the door.
[6:48] Gallagher Aeon: Lily dont live there no more
[6:48] Hale's Door: Mindo Lupindo knocked at the door
[6:49] Mindo Lupindo looks confused, blinks and stares at the door." I....I will wait here..until it comes..,home. AuroraBlue needs.. calling for..."
[6:49] Mindo Lupindo looks confused
[6:51] Mindo Lupindo looks at the girl
[6:51] Mindo Lupindo: Lily?
[6:51] Mindo Lupindo: Lily.
[6:51] Jai Raghilda: no.
[6:51] Mindo Lupindo: Why wouldn't you open the door.
[6:52] Mindo Lupindo reaches out to the girl
[6:52] Jai Raghilda: no
[6:52] Mindo Lupindo: Lily please. I....AuroraBlue..she's...
[6:52] Jai Raghilda: uh oh. Umm Mindo, why don't we sit in the courtyard
[6:52] Mindo Lupindo looks dazed, and very confused.
[6:52] Jai Raghilda: You am seem tired and need sit near foundtain
[Hopefully Lily will consider imitation to be the highest form of flattery.]
[6:53] Mindo Lupindo: Courtyard. Yes. Lily and Mindo will sit in the courtyard. Yes. I am tired. I am so tired. Why wouldn't you open the door. Brush your hair. Hide you.
[6:53] Jai Raghilda: ...brush my hair, tell me stories
[6:53] Mindo Lupindo: Yes.
[6:53] Jai Raghilda: Come, follow. Am not a cat. Tell me what am on you mind.
[6:54] Mindo Lupindo looks at the girl. "Lily. Not a cat. That's right".
[6:54] Jai Raghilda: it am rule and must give candy and shiny things, it also am rule
[6:55] Mindo Lupindo: Yes. Yes. Lily.
[6:55] Mindo Lupindo looks at her "Lily?"
[6:55] Jai Raghilda: where am cub? No see. Naughty cub, where am you?
[6:55] Mindo Lupindo takes a small brush out of his pocket and starts to brush the hair of the girl.
[6:56] Jai Raghilda: purrs, but not a cat.
[6:56] Mindo Lupindo: Good girl. Good girl.
[6:56] Jai Raghilda: I no see cub.
[6:56] Mindo Lupindo: They like you best. I will show..
[6:56] Jai Raghilda: Cub on your ship? No see ship
[6:56] Mindo Lupindo stops brushing and looks at his hand, looks at the brush. Cub or die? live or die? live or die?
[6:57] Jai Raghilda: Mindo am sick? too many injections maybe.
[6:57] Mindo Lupindo: Lily. I brought you some shiny paper. (hands her some foil).
[6:57] Jai Raghilda: takes. Like shiny paper. Purrs, but not am cat. Am real, like Velveteen Rabbit, not Velveeta Rabbit
[6:58] Mindo Lupindo: Good girl. Good girl. Lily. Why do you not come when you are called?
[6:58] Jai Raghilda: I have much work
[6:58] Mindo Lupindo: Your work is to serve me.
[6:58] Jai Raghilda: look for cub. Many fights. Make meat sticks and frog soup.
[6:59] Mindo Lupindo nods slowly "You are a good fighter."
[6:59] Jai Raghilda: Lily am what Lily am.
[6:59] Mindo Lupindo: You fight like him. I made the best fighter. Better than my ..
[6:59] Jai Raghilda: we go to Mindo ship, Gallagher come with and be good, he promises things to am lilly
[7:00] Mindo Lupindo stares at the girl as he continues to brush her hair.
[7:00] Mindo Lupindo: Gallagher.
[7:00] Mindo Lupindo looks up.
[7:00] Gallagher Aeon: what the hell is going on
[7:00] Jai Raghilda: Gallagher am friend to all, he will go to Mindo Ship. Am not a cat
[7:01] Mindo Lupindo looks up in the sky. "Lily why did you not answer the door? Why do you not come when you are called?"
[7:01] Jai Raghilda: I was not in apartment
[7:01] Duncan Cooperstone is Offline
[7:01] Mindo Lupindo: I will have to stop if you do not come when you are called.
[7:01] Jai Raghilda: Real girls do that. We go now if you like. And take Gallagher
[7:02] Mindo Lupindo pulls at his own hair in a distraught manner.
[7:02] Jai Raghilda: Gallagher friend to all
[7:02] Mindo Lupindo: Where is the Replicant?
[7:02] Gallagher Aeon: dont know
[7:03] Jai Raghilda: Krenshar is off. Is cub on Mindo Ship?
[7:03] Mindo Lupindo: AuroraBlue needs ..(looks distracted, distraught).
[7:03] Jai Raghilda: Want to see cub?
[7:03] Mindo Lupindo: I hide you. I hide the cub. They will not find you. Or eat you. You will be their salvation.
[7:03] Jai Raghilda: yes, lily and cub am special and real, not cat
[7:04] Mindo Lupindo: Here. Here is some sugar dots. Eat them off the paper. (hands her candy). Why do you not come when you are called? Busy.
[7:04] Jai Raghilda: Thank you for dots. Share with cub, where cub. I go look for cub.
[7:05] Mindo Lupindo: It is safe Lily. I keep it safe. As I kept you safe. They will not hurt her. But she needs to (he looks at the ground). Lily. You will not find it. I hide it. As I hid you. They will not hurt her.
[7:05] Jai Raghilda: it am her, not it. Call it her, not it and fix it hair. And her am not it, am her
[7:06] Mindo Lupindo: I fixed its hair.
[7:06] Jai Raghilda: Want cub, take me to cub
[7:06] Mindo Lupindo: "It like it should be now. Shiny. Black." Reaches out and takes her by the neck.
[7:06] Jai Raghilda: show Gallagher where cub
[7:06] Mindo Lupindo drops her. "I....I....Lily."
[7:06] Jai Raghilda: coughs, gags. "I um... let you do that, now where am cub. Get cub, bring cub."
[7:07] Mindo Lupindo stares into space
[7:07] Jai Raghilda: blinks rapidly. Gallagher am doctor, give you vitamins
[7:07] Mindo Lupindo: No. No.
[7:07] Jai Raghilda: give everyone vitamins
[7:07] Mindo Lupindo: No needles. No. Oh God. No.
[7:08] Jai Raghilda: Pills am like candy
[7:09] Mindo Lupindo sits with his head in his hands, sobbing like a child. "I know you hear me LIly."
[7:09] Jai Raghilda: Poor Mindo, he sad, head am heavy
[7:09] Mindo Lupindo: I know you hear me when I call. Why don't you come when I call?
[7:09] Jai Raghilda: That is why I come. Here it am, me am.
[7:09] Mindo Lupindo: I need the rest of the information. For the cub. It is not yet..there is something wrong.
[7:10] Jai Raghilda: Am real, won't come until return cub. Blinks fast. Mindo am sick
[7:10] Mindo Lupindo breathes rapidly and pulls at his hair. "It won't won't do what I tell it to do . It.."
[7:11] Jai Raghilda: Because am real
[7:11] Mindo Lupindo: The cub. The cub. The cub. It won't do what I tell it to do.
[7:11] Jai Raghilda: You must ask and make promises
[7:11] Mindo Lupindo: Promises. They made promises.
[7:11] Jai Raghilda: Who?
[7:11] Mindo Lupindo: live or die. live or die. Where is the Replicant?
[7:12] Jai Raghilda: Wasteland. People stoled from Mindo. Have proof.
[7:13] Mindo Lupindo: Yes. Yes. They stoled.
[7:14] Jai Raghilda: now they make reavers with your injections. Make work for lily, so lily can't come
[7:14] Mindo Lupindo: Steal from me.
[7:15] Jai Raghilda: Yes, stoled from Mindo. We go to Mindo ship, see cub
[7:15] Mindo Lupindo looks at the girl "It bit me".
[7:16] Jai Raghilda: It am her, am real
[7:16] Gallagher Aeon: AuroraBlue bit you?
[7:16] Mindo Lupindo: look at the man. "Who are you?"
[7:17] Jai Raghilda: He is Walter Disney, mayor of happiest place in ‘Verse
[7:17] Mindo Lupindo: rubs his arm above the wrist. "Yes it bit me. I need to see the Replicant."
[7:17] Gallagher Aeon: The Replicant is not here. Where is the cub now?
[7:17] Mindo Lupindo: I hid it, looks at Lily "as I hid you".
[7:18] Jai Raghilda: It am her, not it.
[7:18] Mindo Lupindo: They will not find her. OR eat her.
[7:18] Jai Raghilda: better.
[7:18] Mindo Lupindo: I must find the Replicant.
[7:18] Jai Raghilda: we go to her now
[7:18] Mindo Lupindo shouts: LILY.
[7:18] Mindo Lupindo: You can come with me, but you must do as I say.
[7:19] Jai Raghilda: Take Walter also
[7:19] Gallagher Aeon: I’m coming too
[7:19] Mindo Lupindo: Who are you?
[7:19] Jai Raghilda: He is Walter Disney.
[7:19] Mindo Lupindo: Why are you pointing the weapon at me?
[7:19] Gallagher Aeon: I dont trust you
[7:20] Jai Raghilda: It is fun, no? We am play games. Walter point gun at me. Hee hee hee. Much fun. See?
[7:20] Mindo Lupindo: It won't do what I tell it to do.
[7:22] Jai Raghilda: Where am Mindo, ack, I mean where is Mindo
[7:22] Gallagher Aeon: He disappeared