Recent events have weighed heavily on my mind. The bloody lawless trafficing in human organs that we discovered on that derelict ship. The attack on my ship over Shadow. The tremendous increase in reaver activity. Last week Reavers were particularly dangerous at Hale's Moon.
These are not the usual brand of Reavers.
I enjoy cheap dockage in Hale and now there's no trade trariff's or duties paid to the Allaince for ships running out of Shadow, but the pirate, loyalist and reaver situation and the added military tension is escalating and shipping in near space is treacherous
The giant operators and the small operators are around. The hardest hit is the Lux/Murphy Persephone Hera run. It is too long for most small operators and too expensive for most folks to hire the larger faster well armed large carriers. A small ship like my Mini Firefly Aught Aught doesn't make much profit on 45 tons over a 3 week haul, and the medium ships can't really arm themselves well enough.
The Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia (CATZ) are can increase shipping between Zenobia in the core and Murphy in the rim (Hale, Shadow, Washburne, Weisshorn and Bagworm), but they need more protection for the incoming ship to the rim.
As you mentioned in our conversation, the Independents can't assign anyone to run for a three week stint and can't go outside of their patrol route without prompting a full scale war with the Allaince. There are private paramilitary vessels, but many I have spoken to so far have links to the pirates themselves.
The Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia (CATZ) have proposed a solution that maybe the Independents can accommodate.
Pirates and even reavers dwindle out at about 4 AU (Astronomical Units) from Murphy and it is too much space to cover at that point. If the Fleet can't work a caravan escort themselves , they could provide a valuable service by lisencing a few honest caravan escort private military vessels to escort a weekly caravan out to about 5 AU and then shepherd in the incoming caravan that would be coming in from Zenobia. A weekly run would be all that is needed. Keeping the 12th Air Cavalry as backup would be a big help. the Independents could make a lot of allies with the medium sized operators if they could accommodate a trade caravan.
The Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia (CATZ) is willing to support their end of the venture, so it will be self funding as most insurance carriers will also give discounts to trader vessels protected by armed escorts.
A lot more trade between the core and the rim goes thru Zenobia, as there is too much hassle on Persephone by Alliance, they treat everyone like they might be a spy or a terrorist. Most folks just want to make a living. This kind of heavy handed attitude is why so many people vote with their feet and their guns.
I appreciate the find the pirates and kill them, but us traders gotta make a living in the meantime. I think this is a good solution for the time being.
Please get back to me or contact the Consolidated Associate Traders of Zenobia (CATZ) directly.
Jai Raghilda Oyl
Pilot and Proprietor of the Necessity