It was LilyBell's and Krenshar's birthday. Easy enough, yes? Noooooo. Welcome to Hale's Moon, campers. Nothing is easy or simple. At least not to me. The people who try to explain it, don't make a lot of sense either. I shouldn't ask LilyBell to explain some things.
I find LIlyBell at Firefly's being all happy dancy fun. They have this button there that for some reason I feel compelled to press, it says POINT. Boring maybe to you, but I couldn't stop myself.
It's all good, LilyBell rides Milo the dog and we're checking around to see if anyone is a ninja. Grei wears a kimono, but LilyBell says he is not a Ninja. Zade says he is not a ninja, but... Oh wait, off the point.
Ummm....OH YEAH! Then LilyBell yells "DADDY!"
I fumble for my liberty hammer (now left handed), but no one seems upset.
Understand my confustion. I find out that Mindo is Lilybell's Daddy, uh creator.
Then she calls this other guy, TDStraightjacket, "daddy" also.
I think TDStraightjacket looks like Mindo with washed hair and without his gloves.
Anyway, lots of presents for LilyBell, Nack gave her the bar, candy and shiny things.
Lily finds out that TDStraightjacket is married and tries to pick a fight with his wife.
Lily shakes it off and we go cruising in her shuttle and we find an alliance medical ship in orbit over the wastelands at 3000m or so.
Nack seems concerned, but not much came of it. Pfft, barflys.
The next morning, I a testing my new skydiving equipment with Lily's tower as my target.
There's a dead guy on her roof with a laptop computer. New flags too, very styley.
Lily runs off and can't hear me over the static of her radio.
I chase her down to Fook Yoo's and she chases me around with her new bow and shoots at me.
We sing happy birthday to Krenshar. Lily did an ear splitting opera aria version and shot me with her new bow while I attempted to sing in French. They profess their mutual love for each other, very touching.
I gave LilyBell a heartbox full of bacon and a cockfighting set. She was very pleased. She gets a little too excited after a couple of rounds and kills the roosters herself. She also bit me.
We relaxed with a few friendly rounds of cockfights between waves of Reaver Attacks. I managed to shoot a couple a few times and not end up face down in a puddle of my own blood. That is good for me. Lilia kicked some reaver butt, but needed to be taken to the medical bay. She was very heroic. Emma Ditko, Zade and I laid down suppressing fire from rooftops while Lilia, Emma is a great climber. I have to use my EVA safety tether, she just scrambles up the walls. Gabe, Lilia and LilyBell gave them "what for" on the ground. Captain Mikie from the 12th Air Cav, Zade and a fancy hatted man named Ziggy responded to requests for asistance.
Lilia's cock was the final winner of the cockfights, LilyBell killed it and ripped it apart, eating it raw in front of us. There is really no winner in cockfights.
I sang and Emma hummed a Kumbaya variant of happy birthday for Krenshar. Kumbaya is an old Earth That Was song. I think Kumbaya means, "I don't really know the words" or "Come By Here" or something like that. But its a catchy tune and it seemed natural to sing when everyone is standing around in a circle. Kumbaya and Cockfights, who says there is no culture in the rim.
LilyBell also used some incendiary explosives to clean up the reaver bodies, very tidey gal. She explained that the dead body on the roof was a Blue Sun Operative trying to install some naughty electronics. I suggested she might want to clean it up, but she does not want to use explosives so close to her home.
Lily explains that she is the new owner of Firefly's when Lorelai and Nack are not around and the Zade Karu works for her now. She gave him a raise and made him clean up the cock fight blood.
Zade prepares his special order milkshake in celebration of his raise. Pay attention to this picture, I refer back to it later.
I come back late in the night to see the party at Fook Yoo's. I am too late to see Krenshar and LilyBell. LilyBell was off with someone named Ben Big Boobs or something like that.
Madame and Mrs. Mayor were in good spirits and there was balloons and a cake. Big pic of Krenshar and LilyBell too.
After Madame and Mrs. Mayor depart for some vigorous marital arts, I settle in and figure the weirdness is over with.
Pariah says she is not a cat. I learned the hard way from LilyBell, hard bitey way that is, not to broach that subject too vigously. Pariah says that she simply has fur, ears and tail like a cat. She did not comment on my inquiry about whether it is more likely that there is some nefarious Dr. Moreau type mad sciency guy behind this supposedly random mutation.
I need to get my glasses prescription checked. Or maybe it is the punch they served, or the frog soup or something in the cake. Was there some sort of dosed refreshments? RAVES IN THE RIM???!!!!
Do any of these people look familiar to you?
But Zade also. Look at this closeup of Zade shaking his moneymaker for LilyBell
No tail.
Now look at him (THE SAME DAY) at Fook Yoo's
Despite the weirdness, I maintained my composure mostly and tried to stay in the conversation. The financial opportunities during military action, blowing up the ship of rapists, lists of people needing killing, defensive capabilities of cargo shuttles, the independents on Shadow are doomed, whether it is child abuse to bring a child into this crazy world with reavers and raiders, etc. The usual bar small talk.
General Parkin choked on a jellybean.
As per his request, I slap Zade around then have to leave.
I arranged dockage at Suzhou, progress every week. That's 4 total so far. Hale's Moon, Shadow, Zenobia and Suzhou. Very pleased
Just another Monday in Hale's Moon.