Arranged high orbit dockage in Zenobia, up over 4000m. It will make transit to the system much easier. Got the grand tour of their newly expanded station at 780m and a GINORMOUS ship named the Antares. 170m long, 90m wide and 40m high. I got lost, twice. No one seems to know the name of the Moon over Zenobia, but my dockage is in the second Lagrangian Point (L2) of the Zenobia/Moon orbit.
Moira called, said she has left Zenobia and has news for me about the underground organ transplant outfit when she sees me. She is picking up her medical tools and equipment while in Zenobia.
I ran into Duncan and Imrhein at Firefly's. Duncan was asleep the entire time. Imhrein asked me if I was going to join up with the 12th Air Calvary. I politely declined. They must be very desperate or grossly overestimate my value to the military. She obviously never seen me shoot or fly. If I had a proper pilot's license, I would be in the Core. (I do have insurance. Lloyd's has insurance coverage for unlicensed pilots, there must be a market for it.) I am a chartered accountant, but I don't think they need that. I met someone named AlysonLynn. The chairs and booths in Firefly's don't like me, I had to sit on the table. (How do you pronounce Imrhein?)
Desse visited, I was greatly relieved to see her. She was elusive, obscure and cryptic about what work took her away for weeks, but she seemed greatly relieved and said she might visit Friday night. She was wearing her adventurer clothes.
Professional Paranoid Desmond Serenity of the Dharma Initiative told Gallagher that there are 2 more tapes somewhere in Hale. I went searching for them. I checked the old bunker and around the sheriff office and the caverns underneath the, ....I don't know if I am supposed to say. Haven't found them yet. Lily says she knows where Desmond's old cell is, but she got sidetracked.
Krenshar worked on my vehicles, so that the turbine afterburners are on automatic and not manual activation. After the firefight over Shadow, I have installed my flying mule as an escape vehicle on my Atmoo Shuttlepod.
LilyBell returned. She was talking with Gallagher and Krenshar about Mindo mostly when I saw her. Mindo created Lily. Mindo is experimenting on himself, making himself into a reaver and then back. I don't know how this ties in with Desmond's Reaver Virus theory. There was some heated words spoken about Mindo.
Gabe, who I met after a hit and run with a Finder's Union Cyborg, has wisely bought a pretty horse called "Peanut"
The Finder's Union search the 'Verse for rare items. I don't really know why. I chat now and then with one of their mechanics who repairs the cyborgs.
LilyBell was in a barfight, that she does not seem to recall afterwards. After the fight and on one later time, it appeared that she was hearing voices in her head that was not her own. She is also building something in her tower that she does not know what it is and is awaiting further instructions. I pray for LilyBell. She said I can visit anytime and gave me a snowman cone. Freshly made meat sticks too. ALWAYS ASK WHAT THE FOOD IS MADE FROM! ALWAYS!!!!! Ratburgers, ZohMyGodzilla! I am going to have to make a trip to the Total Recall Clinic to get that out of my mind. LilyBell was wearing Gallagher's Coveralls.
Not a killy type fight, just a brawly type, but one of the guys Raven something of other had a bad reaction to his meds and was getting a little gun punchy. Bel offered medical advice to just "knock him out already". Medicine in the frontier. I calmed him down with the promise of beer.
I got to see AuroraBlue briefly. She has grown a bit (almost as tall as me), has a new haircut (plus dyed black hair) and was a bit ornery. Gallagher and LilyBell chased her around to try and prevent her from leaving when Mindo called. I tried unsuccessfully to lure her with stories and cookies. She did not bit me, so that's a consolation prize.
I instructed Krenshar to code a memo to himself that the next time AuroraBlue say "Hi Daddy" to him to reply, "Hi Sweetheart." He doesn't get it.
LilyBell let me read something AuroraBlue wrote. AuroraBlue writes much differently than she speaks. She is talking a lot about genetics and markers on many men around Hale and Shadow. It seems like AuroraBlue has a strategy of her own and keeping her cards close to the vest, even from her family.
If you are feeling confused, don't feel bad. I sit thru the whole thing and I have no idea about that synthy family. They are nice though, confusing, but nice.
There was some other strange event that I went to a Total Recall Clinic to erase from my memory. I should not have gotten the discount version, I am still having some nightmares about spanking, spiders and anvils. If its bad enough that you have to go to the Total Recall Clinic, get the premium package.
I chased after LilyBell in the Hale Wasteland hills for a while for what purpose, I don't know. She hissed at me and said that she wants Cub. I lost her after that. She is very fast.
Wow, I was busier than I thought.
I am supposed to take Zade to the Blackburne Wastelands to find part of his old truck that he got from his Mom, but our schedules have not worked out well.