Sandra has a coolio fighter jet, she came to Hale's from Shadow, but is originally from a small rim colony. I also found her digging in the greenhouse, that place gets a lot of traffic.
Javelin's ship crashed and her prisoners escaped into the wastelands. She is repairing her ship and hoping to aprehend her prisoners.
I don't know much about Esperanza, the reaver's attacked before we could really speak.
Sandra provided both ground and air support when wave after wave after wave for Reavers attacked. We held our own for hours. Duncan and JJ from the 12th Air Cavalry came in and Duncan ended up needing some stitching up.
Gallagher was pursuing some scientific analysis on the reavers, taking tissue and blood samples. I disposed of the bodies the way LilyBell showed me.
At one point the battle drifted away form the township and into the wastelands, and then someone came up with the idea of trapping one of the reavers alive in the old bunker so Gallagher could study it.
Somehow Emma and I were the bait, "Come and get it...All you can eat....I'm not wearing anything except barbecue sauce." Emma fell down the pit when the door opened, she got banged up a bit. Krenshar had to put the reaver down, but we got Emma out OK.
Sadly, that was not the end of it. I was gone offworld, but several hours laters, more waves of attacks hit again. I don't know the details, but it sounds like it was bloody. Some of the reavers escaped, bad news for us if they come back for seconds.
Met a strange large hairy man named Feargananym. He couldn't speak properly and was very large in a moon full of tall men and women, its hard to stand out in the height department. He was nice enough and Desse liked him. I fed him and Desse gave him a hug and a kiss on the nose. He danced for a while.
The next day we ran into him again while a Companion's Doctor Jeannie was visiting. He gave her a doctor's note stating that he was aflicted with giantism which caused his unusual appearance and ruined his vocal apparatus. Apparently he is a mechanic.